First Show of the Tour (Part I)

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Trolls from across the troll tree gather around one stage, to witness the greatest boy band of all time, Brozone. Their talent and charm has made their popularity sky rocket along bringing their music along with them, each band member is unique making every troll fall in love with at least one of the trolls.

Here I am, (Y/N), back stage with Brozone, why, because I'm the daughter of their choreographer. Sure, Clay, the Funboy, also helps but my mother is the real technical teacher behind it all. Clay and I work on making it fun and modern, working so closely has caused us to become best friends, making me a close friend to all the Brozone members.

Let me give you a run down, John Dory, the Leader and I fight too much about my choreography choices, but in general, he's like a big brother that takes care of me when I need it. Bitty B or Branch, is the cutest little thing in the world, he's the first Brozone baby I met, giving that I'm a couple years younger than Clay. Spruce, despite being the Heartthrob, he has no effect on me, making me the first girl in Brozone history to not fall in love with him, we're close and he likes to tease me about my immunity to his charms. However, that doesn't mean I'm not in love with someone from Brozone.

Then there's Floyd, he and I are actually dating, what can I say? I like sensitive guys. But, thanks to boy band popularity, we chose to keep our relationship a secret from everyone, even the other band members. Let me tell you, it is difficult to keep a secret relationship with your best friend's brother all while you still have to see each other everyday. Floyd hates that he has to pretend to flirt with other girls while I stand off in the sidelines, but I assure him that I know he only has eyes for me. It becomes increasingly difficult when the fans see Clay and I together and instantly assume that we're together.

Now that you're all caught up, back to now, the first show of the tour, naturally John Dory has promised the fans the perfect family harmony and it's safe to say I was nervous for them. No one in history has ever hit the perfect family harmony, no even Brozone while in rehearsals. My boyfriend was exceptionally nervous even though he's performed about a hundred times before, right now, we're in our secret spot back stage where no one can find us. We're just standing their embracing each other in silence, I already assured him that they're going to be fine, but his silence indicates that he's contemplating and all I can do is to make him feel safe.

Finally, I decide to speak up

Hey, I know you. I know your brothers and I know your band. You guys are gonna be amazing, even that perfect family harmony, I bet you guys could really shatter a diamond. You all have put in the hard work, tonight's going to be the start of a great tour, I know JD puts alot of pressure to be perfect, but in my eyes you all are perfect, especially you, my love.

I kiss him on the cheek as he looks at me lovingly, before slightly tightening his hold on my waist as I feel him take a deep breath. He looks up again at me and smiles, my heart melts, god, i'm so in love with him. He holds my arms as he says

Thank you, love, I know I've been distant lately. It's just, tonight is so important to me and my brothers. It's Baby Branch's first performance and it's even more difficult knowing that after tonight, I won't see you again for 5 months. It's hard just thinking you're gonna be alone and trolls still think that you're single and they're gonna flirt with you.

It breaks my heart knowing we'll be apart for so long. We stay in silence just basking in each other's presence, until John Dory starts yelling for Floyd to warm up, we both hesitantly let go, ready to face the band...

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