Lonely People

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Note: Okay, Today, we're switching it up. That's right bitches, it's a Floyd POV chapter!!

I don't know how long i've been here, I've lost my sense of time and spacial awareness. Somedays, I just close my eyes dreaming of (Y/N), dreaming I was back with her in our spot behind the stage. I remember every detail of her, her laugh, her smile, her entire face. The night I left the Troll Tree, I vowed to memorize her face and never forget it. Every time I close my eyes, I see her face and I'm at peace.

(Y/N) has always been the love of my life, from the moment I met her, I knew I'd marry her...

I was in the studio working on choreography with Madam Taps, she claimed that I needed one on one lessons to improve my moves. We had just gotten enough money to hire a choreographer, who worked closely with Clay. Madam Taps was strict but I was learning alot, when suddenly a door opened.

"Hey mom, I'm home. I was able to find most of the fabrics JD requested for the puffer jackets and I found a cute stall that sold puka shells for the necklaces, I even sneaked into the Rock Trolls Village for my denim. When you see John Dory can you tell him not to choose such foreign materials, I was away for so long."

That voice, it was a voice I hadn't ever heard before. It was angelic, addictive and the face that I found myself staring at was even more beautiful. Being in Brozone meant so many fan girls, not as many as Spruce, but each troll loved their own bro. I had never seen this girl before, Clay had mentioned Madam Taps had a daughter around my age. I just couldn't stop looking at her, she was so beautiful (F/C) hair mixed with (F/C/2) skin, she wore pants and a tank top whilst carrying many boxes.

I couldn't see her face clearly behind all the boxes, Madam Taps gave me a break to help out her daughter. Then, she revealed her face, it had a cute button nose that was pink, eyes that matched her hair and a smile that gave me butterflies.

Her hair was not up right like many others, it fell to her side and was parted in the middle. She hadn't noticed me staring yet, she was off in her own world rambling to her mother as she put away her materials.

Suddenly, she lost her balance, a box of ribbons fell and one unfurled straight to me. She looked up at me as I picked up the ribbon and I felt my heart skip a beat. Seeing her up close, it was surreal, she felt like she was an angel, someone I would see in my dreams.

I jolt up as I feel my body being banged against the walls of my diamond prison. Every night, I relive my memories with (Y/N), it could be as simple as our first kiss, the first time we said I love you, it was the memories I had that kept me going as the life inside of me was being sucked out.

Velvet and Veneer had once again came in to get another dose of my talent and I was thrown to the ground, Krimp put me up right and she was chain dangling on my neck, she asked me

"Floyd, are you wearing a necklace?". I nod in reply and she begins to question me about how I got it,
"Let me tell you about my (Y/N)..."

"No way, I can't believe I'm dating 'The Sensitive One'. I still can't get over the stereotype John Dory chose for you!"

"Hey, if it was up to you, I'd be 'The Emo'. Come on, darling, you could've thought of something else."

She laughs as she continues to sew another puffer jacket for me, but quite honestly, I broke my last one on purpose. It was just an excuse to see (Y/N), we've been dating for 8 months now and have managed to keep our relationship a secret from everyone. That has resulted in some creative excuses to see my beautiful girl.

She focuses on my jacket and I stare at her, it's a comforting silence between us, she was putting the finishing touches on the jacket, when she told me to close my eyes. I do as I'm told and I feel a small heaviness around my neck. I open my eyes to see a chain with a locket in the shape of a key in the middle. She blushes as she looks up at me saying,

"Now you have the key to my heart!"

As she gestures to the necklace around her neck, a thin chain with a lock in the middle, I feel my heart implode as I kiss her. Yes, the line may have been cheesy, but I didn't care, she was the reason I am happy, she always was, she always will be...

Krimp seems intrigued by the story, she looks with wonder as she asks questions on what she looks like, how long we've been together and another stories about our journey as a couple. I laugh at her curiosity, it pains me that I hadn't seen my love in years, well, that's not entirely the truth...

I make my way back to the Troll Tree, I had been gone for 5 years. That is 5 years longer than I would've liked to be gone from my love, (Y/N) and Baby Branch. When I see a terrible sight, the tree was gone, it was withering away, it was lifeless, I ran to the tree yelling out "(Y/N)! Branch! Nana!"

But to no response, had I just lost the love of my life and my family? I had made my way to what remained of (Y/N)'s home, it was all destroyed, the place where we had fallen in love. I frantically searched for anything, when I found a desk, mostly destroyed but as I slammed my fist onto it in frustration. As I did so, a letter addressed to each of the brothers fell out, the handwriting was recognizable, it was (Y/N)'s.

I hurriedly look for my letter, as I see my name, I open it...

[ Dear Floyd, my love,

I don't know when you'll be reading this, but if you find this, where I think you did, we are no longer living in the Troll Tree. I had a feeling one day one of the Brozone brothers would be back, hence, why there are letters addressed to all of you.

Floyd, I know that we may never see each other again, but just know that I love you so much. You will always be the love of my life, I've never felt such a connection with someone as I have with you. I have no idea where King Peppy will make the new village, I wish I could tell you so we can see each other again.

Baby Branch is growing up so fast, he's alot like you, he sings constantly and I visit him every chance I get. It's amazing how much he reminds me of all of you, he has JD's confidence, Spruce's charm, Clay's readiness and your kindness. He may only be little but, he is going to be an amazing man in the future, I hope that one day, you get to meet him when he's older, he misses you so much.

I also miss you, it hurts knowing that you're reading this letter and I have no clue when, that you can't find me because I don't know where I'll be myself. I don't know what kind of sick, twisted game we are a part of, but then I remember we're living a game called life. I hope you still love me the way I love you, I hope that you always remember your promise and if fate would have it, I hope that one day I'll be back in your arms...

Love, yours truly,
(Y/N) ]

"That was the last time I ever saw the Troll Tree, I turned around, hoping that if I was a big star at Mount Rageous, maybe (Y/N) would see me and we could find each other again. You can see how that plan turned out."

I stare my eyes to the ground as I sit down holding my chest, the talent being sucked out of me did a number on my body. However, I stop focusing on the pain as I hear Krimp sobbing,

"That is the most beautiful and sad story ever! I know you may not be where you thought you would, but with a story like that and a love like yours and (Y/N)'s. I'm certain it will prevail! It just has to!"

I smile at Krimp as she gives me new hope, I have to believe that my love is still out there, waiting for me. I'm not ready to give up, I just hope I live to see the day...

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