Road Trip!

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After saying goodbye to Brandy and Bruce promising to do all the restaurant work for a month, we were off to find Clay. Out of all the brothers' adventures since leaving, Clay's was a mystery to most, except for me. Clay started to write to me shortly after he left, granted I was surprised and a bit sad because he mentioned he would never be returning to the Troll Tree, but I understood.

All his life, he was stereotyped as 'The Fun Boy', he was never taken seriously, always the jokester, someone the trolls all laughed at. In his letters, he talked about his new life, how he is being called 'Mr. Clay' and doing what his partner called all the 'boring stuff' but not for my best friend, he enjoyed it all.

My one regret was that I was the one to stop writing when Granny Rosiepuff died, grief was a painful feeling. Anything that reminded me of her made me feel like my heart was being ripped out of my body and served to me like some appetizer. I knew that if I wrote to Clay, everything would be written and that wasn't a side of me I wasn't ready to unleash.

She had left me some clothes, a few sentimental items and a journal that brought me to tears, at the end of the journal was, a note, addressed to me.

[ Dear (Y/N)

My dear (Y/N) throughout the years I have seen you become part of this family. I've seen you nurture Baby Branch giving him the love, he would overwise miss out without his brothers around. I smile as you bicker with John Dory about choreography and the last cupcake at the snack table, you two are like siblings. I witness you helping Spruce find his soulmate with that 'Win a date' competition, even if it ended badly, you both still had a laugh. I listen as you and Clay talk about the questions of life and the future, when no one else would take him seriously, you saw his true self. I was lucky to see the love between you and Floyd grow, yes dear, I knew about you two. I never told either of you because you both were in such a good place. Disturbing the comfortable routine you developed might've affected your relationship and I never intended on telling you. I knew you two will tell people when you're ready.

(Y/N), you have been such a gift to not only me, but to my grandsons. You've created a home out of a house, you brought together the brothers when their parents left them. I know that things seem difficult at the moment, I can't imagine the pain my death has brought you. But all I know is that everything will turn out alright. You are a strong, kind and beautiful and you will be forever in my heart. I am grateful for you (Y/N), you've done so much for me and for the brothers.

Never give up on Branch because he needs someone like you for advice and support, his life will not be an easy one but I know with you watching over him, he can survive anything. Never give up on John Dory even if he annoys you, you're the only person to knock sense into him. Never give up on Spruce because you make sure he's loved and help him find happiness. Never give up on Clay because you are the only troll to fully understand him. Lastly, never give up on Floyd, he loves you and you love him.

Goodbye (Y/N), you were like the daughter I never had, but, you are truly part of my family. I'm proud of you (Y/N), I love you and I will be by your side in spirit, till we meet again, dear... ]

I sit in Ronda reminding myself of her letter, I had memorized the entire letter, it gave me comfort and I was happy. As Branch starts to approach the clue board he had meticulously arguing with Poppy and John Dory who said earlier in our travels it was pointless. Branch has always been the over-prepared type, the one that would say 'it's better than have it and not need it than need it and not have it'. Even as I grew older, he would be the one packing my stuff for my expositions.

They were all rattling their brains to see how they could find Clay, when Branch has a stroke of genius. He breaks open the frame of Clay's old Thunder Draws, he hated those things.

(Y/N)! I hate these things, they're tight, itchy and i think the material is unnatural! Can you convince JD to have me wear something else or my butt might fall off, what is this material he chose?

Sorry Clay, John Dory won't let me make anything else and for your information, he chose glitter bug skins for the material. if it was up to me you'd be wearing a sweater romper made out of spider web cotton. I love you man, but really? A sweater that's a romper, how do you come up with this stuff?

I remember that day, we both starting laughing and as a joke, I made the sweater romper and gave it to him, anytime we hung out or went to his sad book club Clay would wear it. It was his favorite thing in the whole world, sometimes I wonder if he still wears it.

Branch puts the ungodly smelling underwear in front of Ronda and she is taking off. She's really picking up the pace and then Tiny Diamond presses the Hustle button and what a trip it was.

I don't even remember what happened in that dimension, all I know is that it's extreme, according to my research.

I was in the library and then boom, a gigantic book fell on my hair! It was some ancient text about a dimension where known Troll universes are melted into one trip,it was called the Hustle Dimension. You move at such a speed that you travel through each dimension breaking the laws of the space time continuum and the multiverses borders and you're not listening, Floyd.

Love, I am listening, it's just...
I love listening to you talk about this stuff, you're so passionate about so many things. You have your fashion, dancing and reading, you know what you want to do in your life, you love what you are doing and you're good at what you do. That's one of the many things I love about you, you are so enthusiastic about your passions and what there is to offer in the world.

I wish one day, I can find the same type of life, the one where I'm passionate about something, so passionate that my eyes glimmer, just like yours did, darling. All I've ever known is music and the band. At some point the line between I enjoyed and what I felt like I have to do is blurred, do I like singing or do I just like it cause it's all I ever known?

All of a sudden, we're met with an abandoned Burgen Golf Course and hesitantly, we enter, hoping Clay was inside...

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