Wedding Bells

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Weddings, everyone's dreamed of their wedding, marrying the love of your life and celebrating that love with your close friends and family. I wondered when my wedding day would come, I always imagined Floyd as the groom, Clay as my man of honor and Grandma Rosiepuff walking me down the aisle.

That dream seems like it will never come true, I sit on the old bed of Grandma Rosiepuff as Branch puts on a vinyl in the record player, I recognised the song instantly, it's 'Perfect'. All the memories come back to me, I remember when JD first created the song, he was in the studio with me as I was sewing Bitty B's puffer jacket, Spruce was working out, Clay was practicing silly moves and Floyd was sitting comfortably next to me. Despite keeping our relationship a secret, we were able to get away with holding hands behind our backs as the other brothers were off in their own worlds.

John Dory suddenly gasped quite loudly, it was like an epiphany had hit him, he told me and Clay to start choreographing a new dance. We were both confused because he had given us no music until the next week, Clay, my mother and I heard the song and got to work with the choreography.

It's hard to believe that was over 20 years ago, we both sat there and I make the decision to get up first, seeming that I had to get Bridget into her wedding attire. I look at Branch, who seems to be off in his own world and put a hand on his shoulder before saying,

Hey, I know it's been a long time but I bet they're proud of you. You've grown into such a wonderful man Branch, you didn't stop living when your brothers left or when Granny got eaten, you are strong Branch. The pain never goes away but life moves on, as you grow the pain appears smaller, but it's still all the same, you just grew from it.

Branch looks at me solemnly, knowing that his brothers were out there somewhere. He knew that he may never see them again, but if they came back, he didn't rely on them anymore. He had found his place as Queen Poppy's boyfriend and his place in our humble family. He had a life of his own, he was at peace with what happened in the past.

I leave the youngest brother in his grandma's hut and pass Poppy on my way out. She's frantically running around making sure everything is perfect for her best friend, being Bridget's maid of honor was a great responsibility on the Queen of the Pop Trolls. I giggled as she went to collect Branch from the hut, I miss being a part of relationship, Branch and Poppy remind me so much of how Floyd and I used to be.

Arriving at the Bergen Castle, I get to work finishing off Bridget's wedding jumpsuit she requested. I love how the entire outfit made reference to when the two first met, including the roller-skates. She told me how much Branch and Poppy have changed her life and we got very close during her fittings. When Bridget saw herself in the mirror, she started to cry, at this point, Poppy came in and started consoling her best friend asking if she was alright. Bridget wipes her tears as she says,

Don't worry Poppy, I'm alright. It's just what (Y/N) has created is amazing, it's exactly what i've been dreaming of. (Y/N), Poppy, thank you for helping me and Grissy make this day so special, I can't imagine being happier than I am right now.

I hold the locket Floyd gave me close to my heart, I haven't taken it off once since he left. I was always happier with him, looking at Bridget and Poppy made me feel a little sad. I hadn't felt the trill of excitement from seeing your lover from across the room in years. I hadn't felt connected to someone as I did with Floyd, I hadn't stopped loving him.

There was no time to dwell on the past, I bid farewell to Poppy and Bridget as I went back to my mum's studio, which was also my boutique and my house. I needed to get my dress ready for the wedding, I had already finished it, but it just needed some extra details. I had decided to design a floor length stain gown that was elegant in a royal blue color, a slit that run to just above my thigh and a surplice neckline. It was an empire waist that was pleated and sewn down with a simple bodess.

Every dress I make is hand sewn and all the materials were gathered and made by me, so every dress was unique to the troll I designed for and the name of the troll wearing the dress is sewn into the tag. As I was taking out a roll of gold thread for the details, another dress fell down.

I picked up the old dress, when I saw the name on the tag, I felt a great sadness. It was for Princess Viva, the lost sibling of Queen Poppy and the first daughter of King Peppy. The night of the escape from the Troll Tree, Viva was never found, the tunnel had collapsed and many trolls were left behind. Ironic, given King Peppy's famous tagline.

I held the dress in my hands, it was a beautiful dress meant for the Princess' coronation which never happened. Princess Viva was energetic, had a natural  knack for leadership and put her heart and soul into anything she was passionate about . When we were kids, Clay often looked out the window to see Viva helping someone and he would just admire her. It breaks my heart knowing that Clay is somewhere out there not knowing that Viva is a forgotten troll, I hope she was alright.

I continued to reminisce on my best friend as I finished my dress. I looked at the time realizing that the wedding was in 10 mins, I hurriedly put on the dress and was out the door. I had made it just in time and took my place next to Branch

When suddenly in the middle of the wedding, as the minister asks if anyone objects, a familiar troll yells out...


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