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The almost interrogative tone made Yun Zhao hesitate, and Chang Xiao stepped forward to stop the movements of the clansmen who were carrying things.

Chang Xiao met the elder's eyes directly and said, "Elder Qi, these are the food I bought for the patrol brothers out of my own pocket. Where do you want them to be taken?"

Elder Qi snorted and glanced at those golden bunny-shaped bread, seemingly disdainful, "Naturally, they should be discarded."

After speaking, Elder Qi waved his hand and ordered the others to continue moving.

The clansmen exchanged glances, unable to help but swallow their saliva as they looked at the soft bread. The rich aroma caused everyone to involuntarily slow down their actions.

Seeing this, Elder Qi couldn't help but raise his voice and scold, "What are you doing, being so slow! Quickly take them all and throw them away!"

Chang Xiao was about to step forward with a stern face but was stopped by someone.

"Hold on!"

Everyone turned their heads in response, only to find it was the good-looking young man who had spoken.

Yun Zhao was also a little displeased at this point. This food was made by him and the rabbits with great effort. How could they allow it to be so wasted and mistreated?

He walked a few steps forward, facing the sharp gaze of the elder, and asked, "May I ask, Elder, why do you want to throw away the food I made?"

Yun Zhao pointed to the patrol guard who was staring intently at the bread and said, "I heard from Chang Xiao that these clansmen patrol day and night for the celebration. The meals sent by the kitchen don't suit their taste, so Chang Xiao used his own money to buy food to reward his brothers. Isn't it inappropriate to waste it like this?"

"That's right! Just look at what the kitchen sent..."

"After working so hard for so many days, we're not allowed to eat something we like."

"Those elders would never eat the same things as us. They don't care how the people below live!"

As soon as Yun Zhao finished speaking, the people around began to discuss, expressing their discontent.

Hearing the increasingly loud discussions, Elder Qi's face turned red. In a fit of anger and shame, he waved his sleeves and scolded, "You insolent brat!"

Pointing at Yun Zhao, his eyes filled with anger, he said, "Where did you come from, peddler? Acting so audaciously! The celebration is approaching, who knows if your stuff is clean or not. If there are any issues that delay the important matters, how will you take responsibility?"

"Moreover," Elder Qi squinted his eyes and sneered, "these are all low-quality foods that can't be presented on the table. Starting tomorrow, there will be other immortal clans coming, and it would be embarrassing if they saw such things!"

Yun Zhao was taken aback and immediately understood.

He turned to Chang Xiao and asked, "So, does that mean you won't need to send bread anymore starting tomorrow?"

Chang Xiao, facing the young man's puzzled eyes, inexplicably felt a bit nervous.

He avoided Yun Zhao's gaze and murmured, barely audible, "Um."

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