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"You don't need to worry," Ao Yu said quickly, closing the box and securing it with a jade lock, making a satisfying "click" sound. His movements were smooth and effortless, leaving Yun Zhao astonished.

Yun Zhao looked at Ao Yui in a daze, feeling uneasy. Could it be that this precious item is not something important?

Suspicious redness slowly crept up Ao Yu's ears as he avoided Yun Zhao's gaze and muttered, "Just some accessories, I can handle it myself."

"Okay, alright," Yun Zhao watched as he took the small box into the wardrobe, then casually shrugged and lay down in bed.

It started raining again shortly after the night had cleared, and Yun Zhao fell into a deep sleep amidst the gentle patter of raindrops.

On the other hand, the silver-white little dragon coiled itself awkwardly, burying its entire head within its tail.

Yun Zhao slept soundly until the next morning when he stretched lazily, and the system's electronic voice sounded in his ears.

【A new mission has been assigned to assist the Wolf Clan in successfully hosting the Immortal Spirit Celebration (0/1). Completion of this mission will greatly enhance the spiritual power of Yuming Mountain. Please actively complete the task, or 50% of your current spiritual power will be deducted!】

Yun Zhao's eyes widened in shock as the system finished speaking, and he couldn't believe there would be penalties too!

In a hurry, he exclaimed, "I was just thinking that it would be enough if the Wolf Clan was unsatisfied with my menu. But now, if they're not satisfied, I'll be at a loss!"

The system agreed, stating: 【So you should actively complete it!】

Yun Zhao clicked on the Yuming Mountain icon and let out a sigh, "Don't you think this forced assignment lacks human touch?"

The system innocently replied, 【It was always meant to be assigned to you. You just happened to activate it in advance. Think about the rewards, it's not a bad deal!】

Yun Zhao carefully examined the situation. Sun Yang's satisfaction level was close to 80%, but the overall repair progress of Yuming Mountain's spiritual power was stuck at 30%.

Rubbing his chin, Yun Zhao pondered and asked, "How much is the reward?"

The system replied, 【A whole 20%! Once you complete it, the repair progress will reach halfway! Isn't it enticing? Doesn't it give you the drive?】

Yun Zhao closed the interface, got out of bed, and calmly said, "If the client are unsatisfied, I'll lose half of my spiritual power. The risk is too great. Don't you think you should give me some encouragement?"

The system probed, [Like what?]

Yun Zhao grinned mischievously, "How about giving me ten thousand Immortal Stones as a start?"

The system fell silent for a moment and then responded in a firm electronic tone, [Get lost.]

Yun Zhao pursed his lips, knowing well that this stingy system wouldn't give him any extra benefits. He finished getting ready and pushed the door open.

He remembered that Wu Mu had mentioned yesterday that the pastries made with vanilla were highly popular among the immortals. So, holding an umbrella, he walked towards the spiritual field.

Managing A Divine Beast Kindergarten In The Immortal RealmWhere stories live. Discover now