⟣𝗖hapter 25

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Bai Ze cradled Luo Xue in his arms, rocking on the bamboo chair. The kitten's tail swayed happily, teasing Wu Mu's black paws, making him itch to pounce.

Just as they were about to move, Bai Ze suddenly stood up. The black cat, unable to brake in time, leaped into thin air and collided with the hard back of the chair.

Wu Mu meowed in annoyance, turning around to find Bai Ze standing there. He quickly supported himself on his hind legs and used his front paws to scratch at Bai Ze's belt.

"Don't be naughty," Bai Ze warned, patting Wu Mu's head, his eyes fixed on something not far away.

Wu Mu, with Bai Ze's hand on his head, followed his gaze. His whiskers trembled, and his little mouth formed an "O" shape. "Wow."

Ao Yu's silky white hair was still dripping water as he carried the equally drenched Yun Zhao into the room. The usually healthy young man huddled in his chest, his face flushed, his brows slightly furrowed, looking quite pitiful.

Bai Ze's expression changed repeatedly as he covered Luo Xue's eyes, painfully and indignantly blaming his dear brother. "You beast!"

Ao Yu shot him a sharp glance, instructing them to quickly prepare some medicinal herbs and clothes. Then he turned and went into the bedroom.

There was chaos and panic in the building, and the sound of rabbits' hurried footsteps echoed through the corridors. It was only after Bai Ze carefully examined the situation that everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After Bai Ze fed Yun Zhao the medicinal herbs, the abnormal flush on his face gradually faded away.

The room outside and the windows were crowded with rabbits. Luo Xue and Wu Mu crouched at the head of the bed, rubbing their faces against the young man's forehead.

Sun Yang barked twice, staring straight at Bai Ze, almost drilling a hole into his back.

Bai Ze tucked in the bedcovers and said to Ao Yu, "He's fine. He just fainted from exhaustion and excessive excitement after being worried for the past few days."

He put away the medicine bottle and gave up his position to Ao Yu.

Ao Yu bent down, reaching out to explore near the neck, feeling the warmth of the young man's breath seeping through the fabric and onto his fingertips.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine after a good sleep. It's not because of the influence of your spiritual power," Bai Ze reassured, stretching lazily and glancing around at Ao Yu, expressing his admiration.

Ao Yu's recovery speed, as well as that of the mountain, was astonishing. His gaze fell on the sleeping Yun Zhao, tinged with a hint of curiosity.

After thoroughly examining Yun Zhao, Ao Yu withdrew his hand. He stood up, blocking Bai Ze's line of sight, and said softly, "Everyone, leave. Let him sleep for a while."

Bai Ze silently locked eyes with him for a moment, then grinned and lifted Luo Xue, stroking its fur a few times. "Let's go, let's go. I haven't finished eating my sunflower seeds yet."

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly left. Ao Yu walked to the door, glanced back at the young man on the bed, and gently closed the door.

The bedroom returned to tranquility, with a faint scent of incense wafting through the air.

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