The Demon society

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Not Angels But Not Full-Demons

Demons are often considered as nothing, but trouble and spread death everywhere. I don't know, but only part of that is true. Red blades extend from my arms glowing red with shear fury. A giant hulking demon with lifts his head towards me with blood and fur dripping from the dog he was just devouring. It rushes for me with the full intention to kill, at the same time I lift my blades and swing unleashing red energy slashes that tear it to pieces.

Once the monster was dead I sighed with relief suddenly something smacks me from behind sending me crashing into the brick wall imprinting me against the surface. "Ugh...", I say as I try to shake off the pain "I'll get you for that you stupid piece of monster trash!" The beast opens his mouth as it began to create a fireball ready to burn me into ash. My eyes widen as the sense of death occurred in my head. When the beast release the blazing flames towards me at top speed, suddenly a golden flash appears blocking the fire completely and exploding into a cloud of pitch-black smoke. "Dude, you couldn't have come earlier!" I say with irritation. "Hey, at least I saved you from getting roasted!"

The smoke clears revealing a shield of gold and a sword of silver. "I would have been fine, we're demons after all", I respond back. "Maybe, but we aren't immortals dude", Kevin replies. Prying myself from the wall I land on the ground next to him with my blades drawn. I make an intimidating smile, like a crazy wild type smile that make people think you're insane. We rush the monster, Kevin striking in the stomach and I jump on its back thrashing wildly as it swings at both of us.

Once it's dead its body dissolves into burnt piles of ash and disappears. "It should have been one huge five maybe six person assignment not this disappointment, I say as I begin to walk down the alleyway.

Kevin looks at me surprised and replies, "well, you needed my help or you would have been dead." I look at him irritated and yell, "Oh shut up!" He then laughs makes his sword vanish.

Then Kevin's phone starts ringing, he answer with a quick, and says," hello?"

"Did you find her?", says a voice on the phone. "No", Kevin responds back. "Ugh", the voice says on the other line. Reassuringly he says "Don't worry dude well find Jen."

They finish up there chat then Kevin and I head back to TheHangout. I knock on the brick wall and it start to glow between the cracks pulling back each brick revealing a doorway, then the portals activates. We pass through entering a huge house full of guys and girls from all sorts of different ages all talking, playing games, watching whatever's on the flat-screens or just hanging out. Continuing towards the main desk and send in our report on the demons that were attacking small animals during the night around the city.

The Hangout is the place we call home most of the demons in around that are half human come here to join the fight against other destructive, blood lust, and demented in search of human blood or just to reek havoc on the city. Then we have to stop them so they don't cause a panic or if to many leak out they could forge a portal and summon more of the bloody devils from the underworld. Basically what we do is keep them at bay, by creating weapons, mapping there locations, and killing as many demons who threaten humanity.

After we notified the main desk Kevin left for his room number one hundred-eight on the right not the best walk, but at least he has a home now. I decide to walk for a bit since we aren't having that many missions now. "Another day another hour I spend slicing at the enemies of heck", I say as I pass the weapons where Matt who is building a AK47mixed with a chainsaw or something. The week has been boring nothing big has happened yet, no demon warlords with six arms, no evil she demons taking over Florida, and not even a simple giant boring day for demon spawn, that's why I leave to go sit on the edge of it all.

I look out from the tallest building and remember my old life before I realize I was a demon. My life was simple a loving family, plenty of friends, and even someone I loved. Each one of them I cared about dearly like without them I was nothing and I wouldn't know what to do. The slow rising sun was towards the center I sigh with sorrow, when a half-breeds find out there part demon they must leave there life to join the cause. Sensing the rays of the sun against my face and in response my body starts to disappear into the shadows like a black mist.

As I return to The Hangout I look at my shoes avoiding contact with the others. I enter the door to my room it's just as I left it a desk in corner, a dresser, my bed, flat-screen thirty-two inch and a mess on the floor from being by myself. Collapsing in my bed it doesn't take long to fall asleep and dream of what if I hadn't become a demon haunts me each night. I would keep my family, my friends, and be able to keep my love. She was nice, always trying to help me in school since I was often a trouble-maker and she was precious to my heart. Then

once you realize your a demon all records are destroyed, and everyone who aren't demons that have met you have there memories erased never to see you or even remember your presence.

Like the buzzer at a basketball game the alarm goes off alerting everyone that a large amount of demons are lose once I get out of bed I speed off towards the crowded of people entering the gym. Kevin calls me over to sit I ask, "What's up?" he replies, "I don't know I just got here." "Something about multiple groups needed to stop a demon gathering", Matt insisted form the seat behind me. "Hopefully it's about where Jen is located", says Patrick with two fingers crossed. The leaders of the Hangout step forward to begin there announcement.

"We have notice a large amount of demons close to the southern perimeter", the leaders says with the map behind him. "Our mission is to stop them form attacking the high school, they must smell new demon energy", they assume. Patrick uncrossed his fingers and begins to fold his arms with irritation. I guess the news of new blood isn't reassuring enough. Soon enough they decide on a group of teens Kevin, Patrick, and I along with Matt and a few others head to the weapons vault to suit up. I wait outside with a fiery spear and chain swords at my side when Patrick shows up with an AK-47Chainsaw in his hand. He sighs then mutters, "where is she?' 'Dude just give up, I answer back. She has been gone for two months." Patrick turns and slams me against the wall by my neck and says, "Shut up I won't give up on her not ever!" Kevin and Matt come pull him off and try to calm him down before they move on Patrick says, "When you lose someone you'll understand jerk!" We head through a portal that puts us on the roof of the high school and we scout the area.

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