This Day Just Gets Better Doesnt It..

19 1 4

I blacked out.. Yeah that's right I fainted smirk if you want, but with how deep the cut was I'm luck I'm not missing a arm right now. It was only a moment I was out when I came two Emily was patching up my cut and Kevin was firing at the black cloak guy while Kate was steadily dodging his bullets and still being able to regain her stance to slash and swipe at the enemy.

"Good thing your here on time",I say when I look at Emily with droopy eyes. "A minute later and I would have been a nasty blood splat on the ground."

She looks at me a second and I can see the worried look in her eyes. I'm look back at the fight and Kate and Kevin chase after the man as he makes he way toward the bronze bull statue. They kept on attacking but he moved past it like it was nothing and he quickly avoided them getting to close by whipping the chains around. I try and get to my feet, but my body still hasn't replaced enough blood and all can get is to one knee Emily telling me to take it easy, but I couldn't I could sense the dark power in the man he was ready bring the bull to life. All it needed was a touch to activate and with how close the guy was it would be soon.

I lifted up from the pieces of the bench and forces the pain back behind me with a fierce grunt. Kevin and Kate were close to striking but still they forgot the statue was in the path. Emily trying to keep me still gripped my arm ,but I still jerked forward and yelled out,"Don't let him touch it!"

They realized what was happening and Kevin swung the sword but, the guy just wrapped his chain around it to block it. Kate Raced in and took a quick punch forcing Kevin and the cloaked man into the bull statue. Red light flickered from the bull and the eyes on it grew dark red as the bull shot steam from its nose holes. Kevin was staring right into the bulls eyes when he heard the laughter of the cloaked men behind him who was disappearing into the smoke.

Emily and I dash toward Kevin and Kate to try and at least help them but, as soon as they turned to run the bull let out a raged filled moo, swinging its horns and charging knocking Kevin aside into Kate. Nothing was stopping that bull I quickly pushed Emily out of the way but was still smacked into a Taxi Cab. I must've been hit pretty hard cause when I opened my eyes the streets were a wreck, cars were scattered partly smashed and on fire, and the bull was still raging. Pain had reentered my body and I felt like just laying there like that before death moment people always talk about. suddenly I gaze over and seen Emily... laid out on the ground beat up and a little bloody, and for a moment I could feel something snap.

When I saw her laying Theresa if she was dead I could feel something... Something take form inside of me created from pure rage, and after that was blank. The sound of car alarms wailed as the bull smashed through them and the sound of people screaming as they ran in fear. Kevin could feel the pain from the hit of the bull and was holding Kate so she didn't feel the full blow of the hit but she was still out of it. He looked and saw Emily on the ground and made his way toward her lucky she was still breathing. Suddenly Kevin sensed the pressure of a demon energy stronger then the last one considering he was shaking and hardly moving. With all the force he could muster he turned his head to where I was standing and saw me with reddish black eyes, claws and a skeleton form on my skin, then the flow of demonic energy burning the earth around me.

Kevin could realize that I wasn't messing around anymore that I wasn't me. As demons we have our points of drawing extra power for battles, but usually for that to happen you must desire the lust destroy and kill which is forbidden in the society. With Kate in one arm and Emily in the other he moved them to the alleyway and lean them against the wall, then returned to observe the fight. Inside all I could feel was hatred and anger towards everything and there was no reason for it I just could feel it inside. My body began to change more I hunched over and was soon practically on all fours, the skeleton forming along my skin connected to me growing against my spine, and the demonic energy seeps over my human skin making me look like a Hell-Hound,"Dogs that guard the gates of Hades."

A fierce growl pierced the air and a gust hit the bull. It turned and snorted at the sight of me like it was ready for a challenge. I glare at it and roar with anger creating more gusts of air. The bull mooed back and scrapped his hooves against the ground then proceeded to charge for me. As soon as it got with in a yard of me I grabbed it huge horn and pushed the bull into a city bus that had been evacuated. That wasn't about to stop the thing that represents the strength and power of the American people.

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