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    Physically ripping herself from Cage's arms, (Y/N) staggered away from him, for once her face displaying a swath of emotions: emotions ranging from clear disbelief to fear. To Cage, however, although her expressions weren't what he desired, he found himself with a twisted sort of pleasure of being the one who could make her show such intense emotions.

    "Why do you look so afraid, (Y/N)?" Cage chuckled, the sound lighthearted despite the contrasting situation.

    "Take a guess," she uttered, her stance tense.

    "There really is no need to be afraid..." he spoke softly, his dark eyes almost animalistic at that point, the dark sky casting eerie shadows along his face that made his gaze more intense. "It's already been decided. Our meeting... doesn't it feel like fate? A fate that is blind... unique... completely set in stone. It's unchanging. My life is yours... my desire is yours..."

    He stopped in front of her.

    She couldn't move.

    She felt as if she couldn't even breathe, feeling his predatory eyes on her as he towered above her mere inches away from her. She was practically able to feel the warmth exuding from his body he was so close, his shadow casting over her, engulfing her.

    "(Y/N)," his voice was soft, but cold, his hand lifting to gently brush against her cheek softly, the touch sending chills down her spine. "(Y/N)(L/N)... it's you." A smile stretched across his lips, his expression filled with nothing but obsessive infatuation as he continued, "I want you to be mine."

    And just like that, it began to rain.

     As (Y/N) watched the water drip down Cage's face, matting his hair to his face, she could see that he was no longer the boy she used to know.

    "No," she shook her head adamantly, taking a step back. "I will not."

    "Huh?" Cage tilted his chin downward, his eyes wide open so that her entire visage was reflected within his gaze. "'No?' Yes... no. You love me. I've already told you... it's been decided." He pulled her in once more, his grip like iron as his maniacal grin once more split his face, saying, "Y̸o̶u̴ ̷ ̸m̴e̷. And that's how it will be."

    Not able to take any more of Cage's words, (Y/N) wriggled out of his hold and slammed the door leading down from the roof open, practically flinging herself down the stairs at the point. Her heart was pounding loud in her ears as she ran, her breath coming out in short bursts and her hair leaving little droplets of water on the linoleum floor as she then raced through the front entrance towards the student parking lot. It was only when she was in her car did she feel okay to still her thrumming nerves, her hands trembling as she gripped the wheel.

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