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The sudden gunshot faded into a loud ringing as it reverberated through the small room. A silence followed so thick it seemed to eat everything of sound in its path, a dark gaping maw that could not be escaped from. In the aftermath of Cage's kidnapping, everything happened so fast it was nothing but a flurry of colors to (Y/N). She didn't have any memory of Thorne freeing her or Darlene, nor did she remember the police arriving immediately after.

    She remembered flashes, though: Thorne helping her out of her binds, her falling to the ground, her hugging her mother tightly, her crying.

Thorne remembered everything pretty clearly as he watched the two woman while waiting for the police. Gaze wandering around the room, he could see that this room was designed specifically for torture, his eyes then on Darlene's hands, all but two of her fingernails gone. Just as he was about to say something, the sound of sirens reached his ear and distracted him from his thoughts. Ushering the pair out of the house, he handed them over to an officer before going to take his statement. Not a minute later after the police force entered the house, they came out with Cage in a stretcher to load him onto an ambulance.

    His pulse was faint, but still there.

He was alive.

Every servant of the household was then taken in for questioning, having known of what was going on, however not being able to do anything on account of their loved ones or lives being threatened. Mr. Presley was the one exception. Cage's father, Evan, knew nothing of his son's infatuation with (Y/N), completely aghast at his true, now unearthed nature. With Cage confessing to all of his sins, the police were able to use the information provided to then locate Jasmine's and Angelina's bodies

Cage felt no guilt for anything that he did.

He held no remorse.

When taken to court, when hearing all that he did, he smiled, laughed even, at some parts. But when seeing (Y/N), his facade of ease instantly melted away. He screamed at her that she would never be able to escape again, his dark eyes muddy with twisted desire and obsession.

It sickened her.

But worst of all, at least to her, it frightened her. Even though she knew it was a natural feeling, she still hated it.

She didn't want to go to the hearing in the first place, but Darlene insisted that she did. To face her tormentor and make sure he was placed behind bars, she went, but knew she had made a mistake as soon as she saw him. And when she couldn't take it anymore, Cage called out to her as she left, begging her not to go even. She waited outside nervously, but when Darlene informed her of his sentence—he deemed mentally insane and sent to an asylum for the rest of his days—she sighed in relief.

Of course, this was all seven years ago and she had no idea where Cage Winters was now. All she wanted to focus on getting married.

Specifically to Thorne Henderson.

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