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    One doesn't know how fast gossip spreads until they're at the center of it.

Evan—Cage's father and Headmaster of the school—didn't even flinch when he was informed of Mr. Ward's dismissal, instead resorting to finding a new History teacher immediately. Not once did he even question his son's actions, and (Y/N) could barely believe that Cage's word alone was all it took for a teacher to be let go. While there was some semblance of satisfaction due to the humiliation she faced from Mr. Ward, another part of her felt bitter about the whole situation.

For now, no matter where she was or where she went, she was stared at like she were something on display, their eyes predatory.

Even just thinking about what they'd say made her teeth grit, especially because they mistook Cage's attention as affection. When he looked at her, all she felt from him was an obsessive wish to control her and possess her, like she were an object more so than an actual human being. He practically dangled her mother's job in front of her as a way to keep her right in the palm of his hand, and she had no choice but to listen and obey.

Just like a dog would obey its master.

(Y/N)'s eyes darkened.

And almost as if he could sense her thinking about him, arms twined themselves around her waist and pulled her into a broad chest. Startled, she whirled around to come face to face with Cage, his smirk the first thing she saw when she did so.

She shouldn't have been surprised.

He was the only one that was now allowed to touch her—the only one allowed to even speak or interact with her.

"Wow," he hummed, his dark eyes lidding. "Seems like someone is eager to see me..."

(Y/N) remained silent.

Cage stared at her for a second longer before brushing his hand through his dark hair as he looked upwards, saying, "Anyways, sorry I took so long. I had to make sure my father would pick out a more suitable History teacher. After all, we wouldn't want someone like Mr. Ward again, would we?"

"Yeah..." she mumbled. "We wouldn't..."

"I'm glad you think so, too," he smiled cheerfully at her declaration, his grip on her waist tightening as they walked towards the front entrance of the school to leave for the day. "By the way... what did you talk about with Mr. Henderson earlier?" Although his question was lighthearted, (Y/N) could feel her heart squeeze in her chest from his suffocating aura, practically able to feel his gaze needling through her skull as he continued, "He seemed quite eager to speak with you... why is that?"

"Wh... Who knows?" She uttered softly.

"I didn't catch that," he murmured into her ear, his arm that was snaked around her waist pulling her in even closer, his face so close to her own she could feel his lips brush against her skin.

Cage's touch felt like hundreds of bugs were crawling over (Y/N)'s skin, and no matter how attractive or charming he was, it didn't hide his psychotic and sinful nature. Underneath that mask of his, his smile was stretched eerily and painfully wide from how he had been able to get her under his thumb. Without much trouble at all, he had become so embedded into her life that he was sure she would never be able to be rid of him.

Numbly walking outside with him, (Y/N) flinched when he let out a low groan.

"That fucking driver..." his scowl deepened, his expression twitching with clearly unbridled rage. "Wait here for me, (Y/N)... it looks like I need to take a quick call."

Watching as Cage walked away, (Y/N) pondered over whether she should run. It wasn't like she had a car since Cage had forcefully driven her to school, but she could feel her blood rush in her ears from the taste of freedom. Gazing at the gate wide open and so caught up in her own thoughts, she didn't notice that someone was calling her name until said person placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

    She flinched.

    "Ah..." Thorne exclaimed when seeing both how startled and unnerved (Y/N) was from just trying to get her attention. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I just... I called your name, but I guess you didn't hear me..."

"No... it's fine," she let out a slow breath.

    It wasn't Cage.

Thorne gave her an almost sympathetic look, his crystalline eyes reflecting her terrified visage back at her before he said, "Listen... I heard what happened in History. That was your period, right?"


"Can I ask what happened? I overheard that what took place... it involved you."

(Y/N)'s silence spoke volumes.

    "It's not my place to say since Cage's father is my boss... but please let me know if he does something that you're uncomfortable with," Thorne began again, his eyes practically pleading with her to tell him so he could do something for her "Your behavior around him... his behavior around you... as your teacher, I can't help but be concerned."

    (Y/N) still said nothing.

    How could she?

    Even if she were to enlist in Thorne's help, what difference would it make?

    If anything, the whole predicament would likely end up with him getting fired, her mother's job tanking, and her being even more tightly wound around Cage's finger. Not wanting to take the risk, all (Y/N) could do was turn her head away, not noticing the despair that wrote itself over Thorne's face. However, he knew he couldn't cross some lines, and politely excused himself.

    But then he stopped.

"(Y/N)," he began almost solemnly, his eyes traveling the lines in the concrete. "You don't have to tell me anything. I'll respect your choice. But, I want you to at least know that you can trust me. I've already given you all of mine."

    With that, he walked away.

    With that, he walked away

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