Chapter 9: Embrace and Estrangement

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When Daniel basically dragged Ethan away, Elias only shut one door while keeping the other slightly open as if he didn't want the staff outside to misunderstand what was happening inside.

"I will take the tray to the maid so that they don't have to enter, you should rest... I will be back later after the drills," he stated, walking away before I could respond.

Watching Elias go and carefully close the door as if he were concerned about the noise bothering me. It felt weird, like a new luxury I hadn't experienced for a long time. As I lay there, the room bathed in lovely, comfortable sunlight, I couldn't get my mind off the situation that just happened between my brothers and Elias.

When I sided with Elias, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders; it was the first time I had genuinely listened to myself over them. I hope they let go of this and don't turn against Elias because of me. Elias' words stuck in my mind. It was assuring that he'd come back and I felt a strange sense of calm rush over me.

But why does it feel like he's growing distant? And why was it so important to me if he was actually being distant? I pushed the question away, not wanting to focus on my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. Right now, sleep sounded like an excellent idea. But even as I lay there, I could still feel Elias' presence lingering, and my uncertainty grew with each passing second.

But I'm intrigued as to why I'm drawn to his gentleness. How does he manage to create a situation in which I find quietness is so peaceful? The questions continued flowing, mingling with the exhaustion that gripped my eyes.

The bed gradually seemed enticing like a haven. As I was about to fall asleep, I pondered if Elias had any concerns or uncertainties of his own.


As I drifted off to sleep and woke up. I saw Elias leaning at the door, far away from me.

"Elias?" I murmured softly as my voice became rough from sobbing.

It was already dark when I peeked out the window. I panicked because I knew Elias was supposed to take me back to my room at noon, so I jumped out of bed as quickly as I could. It happened so fast that I felt the entire room twirl around me. I felt dizzy as if the world was spinning. It seemed like my head was full of fog, and my bones were softening.

Standing still was like trying to balance on a see-saw that was constantly tipping over. Everything became a little black on the sides, and I felt as if I were carrying a load of heavy bags on my shoulders.

Elias ran to me as soon as I was about to fall to the ground, catching me in time. His arms around my waist, pulling our bodies closer together.

"Are you okay?" Elias asks worryingly. I was relieved to see him worried because I thought he was being distant.

It was cold just a second ago, but being in his arms, I felt so warm that I lay my head on Elias' broad shoulder, cherishing the feeling of warmth. The room gradually stopped shaking and being in Elias' arms made everything feel more secure.

"Miss Catherine," Elias growled, weak but firm as if to stop me.

I felt the way he spoke was distant; it wasn't the usual call with gentle familiarity, but more like calling my name as if he had drawn a line between us.

Elias gently drew himself away, but I was so worried that my intuition about him keeping his distance was right that I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Hold me, Elias," I said quietly but sounding needy as my gaze met his.

He effortlessly drew me in and wrapped his hands around my waist to dip in for a kiss. I was surprised for a split second, but it faded as I closed my eyes, clutching his shirt, and tried to catch my breath as he kissed deeper.

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