I don't want you to fight

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That morning we started the day in Carlisle's office. We wanted to be prepared should our friend get hurt. And if that was recent then that means he's still on that path and we didn't want his pain to be more painful than it already was going to be. We know that vampire blood can cure but it can also be addictive and it sells real well on the black market. Which is two of the main reasons people hunt vampires other than to kill us before we kill you. So we went into the office yeah? Edward and I bickered between whose blood Carlisle was gonna take to give to Jordan. When Carlisle heard our playful argument he rolled his eyes and told Edward to get up on the examination table. And he told me that a) Edward's was pure he was a full vampire and b) I'd been through enough pain and c) my brother doesn't freak out at needles.

Point taken. You can watch if you want. Watch a needle go into your arm no thanks?! Though I watched him put the band on his arm and look for a vein he could use or whatever he was looking for. If it makes you feel better either of you Edward won't feel a thing vampire skin is tough and pain is greatly exaggerated. He warned me when he was getting out the needle and I looked away. I'd been around enough needles. We made Jessica bottle it up into a potion bottle for us so that we'd have it if we needed to use it. But we hoped we wouldn't have to. We asked Alice if she saw anything change she sadly shook her head at us and promised to let us know if she did.

Next thing I knew we were exiting Bella's house and she was upset that the guys were telling her not to fight and she didn't want to hide away while they fought and risked their lives. Bella you're not the only one I'm begging not to fight. Besides if Victoria is involved I don't want either of you anywhere near the fight. Any of us to be more exact. Jasper said I could help. Bella cut him off. We won't need your help with the rest of the wolves helping us out it will be an easy win with not much for the rest of us to do. So either it's so dangerous that the two of us have to hide or it's so easy that the rest of you have to be side blind. Which is it? It's easy for them dangerous for you guys. Wait why do you keep saying it like that? Jake asked him. We're not talking about this right now Edward shakes his head Jasper is waiting for us. Come on. Once we get to the field we are told this was a good place for battle and we had decided no matter what happens we're sticking together because whether it was dangerous or not for us it would be more dangerous for us all to be apart we had seen that time and time again.

So you're not fighting either? He asked us. And neither is Jack. Edward confirms. While Jake didn't like the thought of possibly sitting out of the fight it made him feel less nervous if his friends weren't going to either but he liked having the option to which he know knew was what Edward had been hinting at. Bella said he was doing it for us and knew that Jack would do the same. But we knew Edward would never be the one to ask our friend to sit out of the fight in order to stay safe they would be too stubborn. Not that he would even if we asked. But he Jake didn't like we were taking the option away from him if he wanted to and knew he'd ask if there was something Alice had seen since we were. But if Jessica wouldn't tell him his future we were not gonna be Raven and try and keep him from stopping the vision by ending up making the vision come true. Because even when she has a vision and tries to stop it her stopping it always makes it come true. But that didn't mean we wanted it to happen any more or any less. Well less I suppose we didn't want him getting hurt but we were prepared if he did.

It was made even more clear to him that we would've asked him not to fight when he heard they would be wearing things with our scent on them. Some of them knew him like Victoria and since she's under the influence and she knew the 4 of us meant the world to Edward she would want to try and harm/kill the people that meant the most to him but we had a potion for that as well. We were told we needed to lure the newborns with each of our scents. Having his scent be mixed would throw them off the scent of the rest of us. Bella most of all. She was purely human. We were told it had to end there. That the field would give us the advantage. Bella said she and Edward and myself and Jack would join them at some campsite that we would love it if he were to join us but we also knew we couldn't ask him not to fight even though we had more or less taken that option away from him though we knew he would do whatever he wanted anyways. We knew even if Edward carried Bella the vampires would still pick up her scent and Victoria knows mine and Jack's so Jessica would also be coming with us to help mask our scents. But we knew for the most part even if they were used to his werewolf stench he was beginning to smell like the rest of us by hanging around us so much. But maybe he would smell mixed enough to throw the newborns off our trail.

Forever a mystery part 4: We'll get her back for youWhere stories live. Discover now