Ch. 10 (or the one where nothing works according to plan)

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Liliana choked back a curse while hanging upside down from the kitchen's roof beam. An abundance of pots, pans and various other cooking utensils obscured her view, but she didn't mind. It would also obscure the view of her angry pursuer. Five days had already gone by, and she hadn't achieved anything recommendable. Tawn was as happy as ever with his new customers, and whenever she asked Delya about specifics, the poor girl blushed a deep shade of red. She felt sorry for her friend. As a truly devoted priestess, the young girl wasn't used to hearing the constant obscenities coming out of their innkeeper's mouth. Bellard's task was also futile. His attempts to make friends ended every night with lost bets. She suspected the locals were taking advantage of him and his poor gambling skills. Whenever she had the time -and she had plenty of it thanks to the dreary village- she spent it in the woods, scanning the area for guards. A task she used as an excuse to be alone.

However, spending five days in a row chasing squirrels in the forest bored her immensely. Hence, why she began to do a little research on Red. She planned to surprise him in his room, a vengeful act to pay back what he did to her, but he seemed to be disappearing now and then without an explanation. So instead of making connections with her rival, she somehow ended up in his abandoned room, ears peaked to the highest for any suspicious noises. At first, she intended to say it was a mere accident that she was in his room, would she have been caught, but after picking the lock and extricating the carefully crafted trap he left behind, the excuse wasn't justifiable anymore. Her first plan to just not get caught at all needed to suffice. Initially, she wanted to snoop around and look for clues, but the lack of personal information frustrated her to the point of irrational pettiness, which led her to steal a small, insignificant-looking dagger. She didn't regret it— not when Red came back, and she needed to jump out of the window. Not when she was forced to seek sanctuary in Tawn's kitchen, and especially not when the victim bolted into the kitchen and began a screaming match with Tawn. The only thing she might regret was the uncomfortable position she was in. Her legs and arms were tightly wrapped around the balk. The chance to hoist herself up and lay in a more restful position on the balk was gone the moment Red came in. Tawn wouldn't give a second thought if she stubbed a few pans and pots. He rarely looked up anyway, but Red was always on edge.

'That's it, Tawn!' Red's voice bellowed from below. 'I had it with your thievery. Stealing from my sibling is one thing, but get your filthy hands away from my things.'

'Who are you calling a thief, you pussyfoot? I will not let you insult me in my own h—' A gurgling sound disrupted Tawn's defense. Liliana couldn't help, but loosen her arms and lower herself slowly, careful not to stub anything. Then she stretched her neck to have a full view of the situation. Between all the hanging utensils, she saw Red grab the dwarf by his collar and lift him up like a puppet. Tawn's face burned a crimson red, and his feet kicked violently in every direction to no avail.

'Don't you dare forget who I am. I don't mind your loose mouth from time to time, but I demand to be respected. Do you understand me?'

She couldn't see Red's face, but Tawn's wide eyes were filled with the primal fear of a prey. A wheezing affirmation was all he could press out.

'Now, where is my dagger?'

'I-I don't know, S-Sir.'

A growl emanated from Red. It wasn't loud, but low and deep. She felt it vibrate through the room and into her bones. The protective curtain of kitchen utensils clanked softly together. She didn't dare move a single muscle.

'Please, I-' He didn't have the chance to finish the sentence before Red hurled him against the opposite wall. Liliana suppressed a surprised jerk when pots and pans came crashing down with him. Red turned around, unfazed, and walked away.

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