Chapter 7 (or the one where she surprisingly didn't want to kill a stranger)

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'Pr— Amaya. Maya!' Delya caught herself on time. Liliana looked up lazily, but her heart skipped a beat. Her fingers cramped around the glass. She forced herself to breathe steadily. No way in the deep would she let Red have his suspicions.

'Del, what is it? Where is Bel?'

'He is still feeling unwell. I don't think he can come down yet.'

'Have an eye on him, will you? I'll send someone to bring you two some food.' She noticed how Red studied his drink, but she also knew that it was a facade. He was obviously hearing and analyzing everything she said.

'As you wish. Thank you.' Delya sneaked outside again and closed the door quietly.

'Was the eavesdropping worth it?' She asked him blatantly.

'I would never,' he said, but his elongated ear tips twitched suspiciously. 'Also, it isn't eavesdropping if you're talking openly in my presence. You're awfully paranoid.'

'Right, I'm the paranoid one. Why don't you drink your drink then, rich boy? Scared of Tawn's extra ingredient?' She laughed loudly when she saw his left eye twitch. She took a big sip of her own drink and watched his lips disappear into a thin line.

'Look,' she said, with mischief in her voice. She stood up and bent over the counter with ease. After rummaging for a while, she emerged with a glass and a bottle of brown liquid.

'Since you nearly bought the whole inn anyway,' she said, pouring the glass half full and sliding it over to Red. 'It is kind of your right to drink in peace without having to fear some surprises in your beverage.' She winked at him and made her way to the door Tawn was using a moment ago.

'Hey,' he said, stopping her.

'Amaya, right?'

She nodded. 'My friends call me Maya.'

'Thanks,' he lifted the glass, 'for the drink.' He looked like there was something else to say. She waited. He sighed deeply after a while and pulled his hood down, revealing pitch-black hair that was so dark it had a blue glint.

'Look, Amaya.' He was purposely using the unshortened version of her name. 'We have nothing against strangers or outsiders, but those two friends of yours are clearly from Aracia.' He let out a short, arrogant grunt at her surprised face.

Liliana was on edge, but she remained still. He didn't look angry. Tired and defeated, but definitely not angry.

'The suicidal pleas of that blond, skimpy kid couldn't possibly be ignored even if I tried. And believe me, I tried.' He pulled a wry face, but it changed into a stern expression within a second.

'Everyone knows that the peace deity is frail. War isn't just a possibility anymore. It's a certainty. I'd choose my friends very carefully. We'd never harm innocents, but I wouldn't trust them to have the same courtesy. Don't let the wrong people see you together.'

Liliana took the doorknob into her hand, but Red wasn't finished yet.

'Something else,' he added as he took a sip from his drink. 'Tawn may be loyal and a great innkeeper, but he has a thing for shiny objects. I would advise you to keep your most valuable belongings with you. And if you happen to stumble over a silver dagger with a black lotus carved into the handle, I'd be very inclined to make a deal with you. It's always a good thing to have a noble in your corner, after all.' He mimicked her wink with a lazy smile.

'And now, shoo.'

She rolled her eyes, opened the door, and slammed it especially hard behind her.


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