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«loving is short, forgetting is long»

If you were to ask a mother to talk about the most beautiful day of her entire life, it is very likely that she would start talking about the birth of her first child and, more precisely, the moment in which she held them in her arms for the first time, terrified even from the idea of ​​being able to harm them just by holding them.

For Daisy Johnson, however, it wasn't exactly like that. From the day she had given birth to her beautiful little girl, Rose, she remembered very little and everything she remembered about it terrified her so much that just the thought of it made her want to vomit.

The drugs that were circulating in her blood were so heavy that she hadn't felt anything during the birth, the only two things that she had in her mind from that day were the green walls of the room, which seemed too dark to be those of a hospital, and the feeling of emptiness that she had felt when two frozen hands had pulled her little girl away from her womb.

What she remembered next was waking up again in the same green room, feeling cold, and her body shaking completely. She remembered voices and she remembered wishing with all her heart that they would stop bothering her, because she wanted to sleep again.

It had taken her too long to understand that those voices were formulating meaningful sentences and that those words were addressed to her. That day, in that green-walled room, Daisy Johnson had made a blood pact: a life for a life.

Three months had passed since that day and she had only held her daughter thirteen times. She was allowed to see her, under their supervision, once a week, every Sunday, for two hours only, until she completed her task.

Meanwhile, her beautiful Rose was growing up in the arms of a Nanny, far from her, and a bounty was hanging on her head: they would kill her if she hadn't fulfilled her instigator's intent. She knew everything about her target, she was just waiting for the right moment to act and to have her little girl back in her arms.

Her transfer to the BAU had taken a lot of time and sacrifice, but the death of one of her old colleagues from the organized crime division had justified her request to be transferred. Her instigator knew very well that Daisy was the perfect agent to join the BAU: he had never seen anyone use and move around a weapon with the dexterity and lightness with witch she used and he had never seen anyone capable of so many manipulative skills.

He was good at making people do exactly what he wanted, but he only succeeded with violence; Daisy, however, had managed to get some of the greatest terrorists of their days to confess with just her words. He was pleasantly surprised by her, and was convinced that his father would have liked her very much too.

Luckily for him, that talent had helped Daisy to convince the high powers of the FBI that she would have been a perfect fit in the BAU and it didn't take much to completely override Emily Prentiss's opinion. After three months of work Daisy was finally about to join the BAU and from that moment, he knew, they would all see some good things.


Welcome to my new story, two years later!!
Hope you like the prologue, and don't worry, next chapter will be longer.
lots of love

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