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«When I'm with her I have two childish eyes,
if you are my destiny then take me away.»

The next morning Daisy woke up in the bed of Emily's huge apartment, which was identical to hers: empty, cold and perfectly furnished, as if its beauty could fill its void inside.

The women headed, as always, separately to work and spent the entire day immersed in a pile of reports of closed cases and consultations of open cases within the jurisdiction of the local police forces.

Everything was back to normal. Every time their hours of love ended Daisy and Emily went back to being two simple colleagues, pushing everything that happened when they were alone to the bottom of their hearts and minds.

Once the work shift was over, Daisy immediately ran to the house in the middle of the woods, having once again managed to convince the boy to let her see her daughter even though she had missed the Sunday appointment.

When she had Rose in her arms she relented to tell the boy that she and Emily were unofficially in a relationship and that she was working on making the matter official and formal.

She tried to convince him that she still needed a maximum of two weeks before handing Emily over to him to be killed, but what Daisy didn't notice, too immersed in the love she felt for her little girl, was the suspicion and distrust that the boy had in regarding of that statement.

The blond knew that there was something that wasn't going according to his plan: he had studied and observed Daisy's abilities for too long to doubt them and to believe that she really needed that much time to melt Emily Prentiss.

The head of the BAU certainly didn't have to be a simple character or a particularly easy woman to gain her blind trust, but the Daisy Johnson he knew was ruthless and bloodthirsty and the woman he had in front of him at that moment didn't seem anything like what he knew she actually was.

Daisy's plan, in fact, was different: in a few days, after having spent a few moments of eternal love with Emily and having hugged her beautiful little girl for the last time, she would have handed herself over to the boy, refusing to complete the mission.

She would have made sure that Emily, and not just Rossi, was completely aware of all her deceptions and that whole sick situation and, if everything had gone according to plan, the team would have saved Rose before the boy threw out the balls necessary to kill her daughter.

Daisy, on the other hand, was sure that her days would be over soon, but she had already made peace with that situation some time before and, if everything had gone exactly as she expected, she could have died peacefully.

The problem was that things were already going in the opposite direction, even if she had yet to realize it; two plans were now rowing against each other: hers and the boy's.

Both, however, pretended to still stick to the original.

When her maternity hours expired again Daisy forced herself to return to her apartment, knowing that the downfall on her life had officially begun; there was no way she was going to let her last days pass away meaninglessly.

The next morning, therefore, she woke up at dawn and, as had often happened by that moment, she headed to the offices before the start of her work shift, aware that she would find Emily there, alone and without breakfast.

As was becoming her habit, she stopped to get the usual black tea and a dark chocolate donut, which Emily seemed obsessed with, and a bitter coffee for her, and then headed to her boss's office.

She knocked clumsily on the door, with her hands full, and she was immensely surprised not to hear Emily's usual response giving her permission to enter, as, shortly after, the older woman opened it herself with a huge smile on her face.

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