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«I untied  the chains
we held together
to keep us apart.»

Spring was finally starting and miracle of miracles, it was not freezing cold anymore in DC. Emily Prentiss wasn't a big whiskey drinker, but the vigor with which she downed the amber liquid in her glass made Daisy, her companion for the night's ill-advised endeavors, chuckle.

It burned her throat going down and left a warmth in the pit of her stomach when it reached its destination. Emily made a face, and Daisy's chuckling turned into full on laughter.

"You alright there?" - Daisy said through fits of giggles.

"Yeah. God, how do you drink this stuff on a regular basis?" - Emily replied, shuddering.

"Years of practice. Although, I'd rather sip it than throw it back like you just did. If you wanted to do shots, I would have suggested Fireball instead." - the other woman teased, lifting her own glass to her lips.

"Oh, no cinnamon. Not after last year." - Emily said.

"What? Puking on Anderson's ugly sweater at Rossi's party wasn't the highlight of your evening?" - Daisy asked referring to one story Emily had shared with her during dinner

"You didn't see the dry cleaning bill for that ugly sweater. I already had to put a stop to Garcia hanging up mistletoe all over the bullpen, that was one conversation with the Human Resources department that I didn't wanna have." - Emily fired back

"Too bad. It might've spiced things up." - Daisy added

"Oh, I'm almost ninety percent sure it was an elaborate excuse for her to lock lips with Alvez. And what do you care, anyway? Is there a budding workplace romance I don't know about?" - Emily said smirking

"Wouldn't you like to know? Nah, I just think maybe it would be easier for certain people to make a move on others if they had a good excuse." - Daisy replied laughing, bumping her shoulder against Emily's

"Well, maybe if some people want to make a move, they should just go for it." - Emily measured her tone carefully

Something shifted in Daisy's expression, and before Emily could open her mouth to ask what the other woman was thinking, the brunette's head dipped down to capture the older woman's mouth with her own.

Emily stiffened, then relaxed into the kiss, into the feeling of Daisy's lips moving against hers but then it was over as quickly as it had happened. Daisy broke away first, caressing Emily old face with the her fingerprints, feeling all her lines.

"You are so beautiful" - Daisy said softly

Emily took the brunette's face in her hands and pulled her in to reunite their lips. Daisy started, grateful for the contact and then she wrapped her arms around Emily's waist and kissed her back with a desperation that made it feel like she was afraid to let go and break the spell.

It was as if something had caught hold of both women, their passion was almost furious. Emily coaxed Daisy's lips apart and plunged her tongue into the other woman's mouth, melting a little at the sensation; she was rewarded for her efforts with something between a grunt and a moan and Daisy made them get up from the sofa and  pushed her up against the nearest wall.

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