Chapter :57 Alone with everybody

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Elena, Klaus and Hayley were on a road trip with the girls. They stop at the gas station as Hayley wanted to buy something to eat and Klaus filled the gas tank. The girls were sleeping in the car. Klaus had just finished filling the gas and was leaning against the car and Elena was beside him. He looks at Elena. 

Elena: What? What?

She asks him for the second time when he doesn't. He pulls her by her waist in front of him and kisses her. She giggles into the kiss and kisses him back. Elena's hand automatically goes to his hair while his hands were on her waist. They hear a noise and break the kiss.

Hayley: Guys! We agreed. No making out. At least not in front of me.

Elena was about to leave when Klaus pulls her in to kiss her again. He loves to tease Hayley. Hayley groans. Elena makes him stop and hits him on his chest. But he doesn't leave her.

Elena: Nik, stop.

Hayley takes a hat out. 

Klaus: Absolutely not.

Hayley: You need to blend in. You could start by losing a thousand-dollar jacket. 

Klaus: Tell me again why we're on a scenic tour instead of taking a jet to a far off preferable tropical destination?

Elena: Look, me and hales are not the one with an army of pissed off vampires coming after us.

Hayley: Can I have the keys? 

He gives her the keys.

Klaus: On the scale of one to ten how much am I despise this little plan of yours?

Hayley: I'd say a solid 85. 

She puts the hat on his head. She goes to drive.

Klaus (Looking at Elena who was still in his arms): Oh good. 

Hayley: Leave my sister and get in the car. 

The couple look at each other and get in the car. After driving for a long time, they reach a bar. Hayley made them go there as she was driving. They get the girls out of the car and into a tram and go in.

Klaus (Sarcastically): So, I can see why you wanted to some here. I feel safer already. 

Elena and Hayley hit either side of his head. They girls were teasing him like that. 

Klaus: You got to stop doing that.

A man: Closed.

Klaus: You don't look closed. 

Man: We are for you. 

Klaus: Well perhaps you failed to notice the hat.

Hayley: I'll take a bourbon. Unless Hollis is still serving the moonshine of his.

Hollis: I'll be damned. (To the man) I got this. It's been a long time since you danced on my bar Hayley Marshall. 

Hayley: It's been a long time since I danced on any bar. I get into different kind of troubles these days. Hollis, meet Hope. (pointing to Hope). And this is my sister Elena. And these are her daughters. 

Hollis (Looking at Hope): Oh, look at her. Nice to meet you, Elena.

Elena: You too.

Elena was shocked to hear that her strict sister used to dance in bar and do parties. Hollis notices the ring on Hayley's finger and thinks that Klaus is her husband. 

Hollis: Ahh. City boy huh. Wouldn't have guessed that. 

Klaus: Never underestimate the allure of indoor plumbing. 

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