Nameless Death

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I woke up to Nick Fury, all the Avengers(that I knew of at the time), Phil Coulson, and Miria Hill. They all smiled and said "happy birthday Icy!" I felt like I was in a movie.

I ended that in a split second. "Thank you very much guys, but I think we all need to get ready for today. Nat you're going to investigate Loki right?" She smiled and nodded. "Ok well I'm going to get dressed so if everyone could leave please and thank you."

So everyone left thinking the exact same thing 'that girl is always thinking about work.' I got dressed in a flash and ran out to Loki's glass cage. On the way there I grabbed a glass of water.

I walked in the same way I had the other day. He just woke up and got off the floor. He walked over to me very sleepily. Once he made it over to where I was I handed him the glass of water. He then poured it on my head again and I can't help but smile. "Thank you" I looked up and he has a very confused look on his face. I walked out just as Natasha walked in on the other side of the room.

I walked down the hall to Stark and Banner's lab. I walked in and sat my self on a chair. After a few minutes I heard Nat's voice and looked up to find everyone in the room. I moved over and say in front of the scepter, behind Banner. One after another they all started to fight with each other.

"Incase you need to kill me I know but you can't I tried. I got low, I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people I was good until you guys bragged me back into this freak show." He moved his hand back a bit which made him touch my knee. He wiped his head around and looked surprised.

I ask in a hushed yet worried tone "are you ok Bruce?" He nodded his head and then a beeper went off. Me and Bruce walked over to the monitor. Once we saw where the tesseract was we both said "oh my god." Nat had followed us and I shove her out of the way and and explosion happened. The floor cave in and we fell two staircases. He landed on top of me and I could barely breathe. He sat up and he was going Hulk.

"Bruce if you go Hulk will you still help us? Will you still help me?" I asked him still out of breath "it's all up to you and your other half ok. No one can decide this but you." He looked me in the eyes and saw that those weren't just words to save my life those were words to help him decide what is right.

He slammed his fist on the ground right next to my face but I didn't flinch. I wasn't scared of him like very one else was. In the middle of him turning into Hulk he fell down. His shirt started to rip and he looked up at me. I smiled yet he looked away. I now saw before me Hulk, who looked over the railing at my lifeless looking body. I slowly got up. I stumbled a bit but non the less got up.

"So are you on our side?" He nodded his head and gave a soft smile. I nodded in approval and then started walking through a tunnel. Hulk followed by smashing all of them. He didn't mean to he just walked through them.

When we made it out of the tunnel I could hardly breathe. I had broken a few ribs. I held my stomach in pain and bent over. Then I felt cold air whipped past me. I pulled myself together and ran to where Loki was being held captive. I stumbled and fell a couple of times before I got there. Once I got there Loki was looking around and the glass door was opened. He walked out and a stumbled up to him. I saw him stop and I fell in to him breathing hard. "What happened?" he said true concern filled his voice. He held me in him arms and looked down at me.

"Bruce fell on me when the explosion happened" I said breathless "and I broke a few bones. Loki please don't do this, please." After I said that he shook his head.

"Why would I care about you? I hate mortals." I breathed out a laugh.

"Well then you have the chance to kill me so go ahead and kill me." I felt his arms tremble against my skin. He picked me up bridle style and laid me on the floor next to the entrance. He turned on his heels and walked away.

A while later Thor walked in but he hadn't seen me. He ran in the direction of Loki's cell. I heard talking and then a loud bang. I turned to see Loki getting out of the wall. Once he got up he turned and walked away.

I then stood up and walked the halls trying to find help. I stumbled and finally found Steve. He was looking into a room and I tried to yell out to him but all it that made out was a tiny sound that kind of sounded like "Steve." I saw him look over his shoulder and I fell to my knees. He rushed over to my side and asked "Icy, what happened?"

I told him everything that happened while he carried me into the room. Natasha and Clint (someone I hadn't seen in a long time) where in the room as well. Clint rushed to my with the most worried expression on his face. "Icy are you ok? What happened? Who did this to you?" I gave him a soft smile. Steve placed me on the bed and Clint grabbed my hand.

I looked at Steve "I need you to go get Tony." Steve nodded and walked out the door. Clint never took his eyes off of me. My breathing had become slower. I had felt weak and useless. Tony burst through the door and shoved Clint out of the way.

"Bruce left this for it said it would help I don't know-" I took the needle from Tony and jabbed into my right thigh. I squeezed my eyes shut as ice ran through my body and fixed my bones. I screamed in pain. I felt a warm hand touch the top of my head. I started to feel light headed then the pain subsided. I let out a breath of relief and joy. I opened my eyes and sat up. The hand that was on my head slid down to the middle of my back. I looked over to see Clint. I whipped my legs over the bed and got up with ease. I looked around and everyone had a look of worry on there face.

I looked over at Tony "thank you for remembering about what Bruce said" then I walked with Clint at my heels and everyone else following behind. "Now, what is our plan?"

Clint pick up his pace and took my hand. He lead me to a helicopter and we all got in except for Tony. Clint and Nat got in the pilots seats. Steve gave me an ear piece and I put it in.

"So I found Loki's weakness" I said casually. I heard Tony in the intercom 'What is it? And I swear if it's you the answer to your next question is no.'

"Well to bad because it is me. Now, I have a plan and non of you can stop me" the plane jolted which made me fall and I slammed into the side of the plane. It was steadied out again and Clint got up and walked over to me. He looked down on me with a mix of emotions in his eyes.

"You are not going to get near Loki, do you understand!" I just stared at him with a blank look on my face. "You know how I feel-" I stopped him mid-sentence with a kiss. I pulled back "I promise I will be just fine trust me" he gave me a kiss and I closed my kissed back.

He pulled back "we will pick this up later." He went back to his sit and left me there savoring the taste on my lips.

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