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(The smut is in this chapter!)

I follow Clapton upstairs and close his door after entering the room, i place my water down on his desk and he pats the empty spot on the the bed next to him, signaling for me to sit there, I sit on the bed next to Clapton.

"Ok so don't tell Alice i know or anything but... she was caught making out with Ethan at a restaurant."

I show Clapton the picture

"What the fuck, are you gonna tell her you know?"

"No, i wanna get revenge first."

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"What's something she loves, A LOT"


"okay, how do i get revenge with you?"

Clapton stares into my eyes for a moment before moving his hand onto my waist and leaning towards my ear to whisper something to me

"Like this."

He places his free hand behind my neck and pulls me in closer and closer, till i felt the warmth of his lips on mine. I kiss him back passionately, sitting there for a good few minutes before Clapton makes the next move. Pushing me lightly back onto the bed, pinning me down with him ontop of me. He moves his hands from my waist to my jeans .

"May i?"

"You may."

And with that, he unzips my fly and unbuttons my jeans with one hand, kissing me. I moan softly into the kiss, causing Clapton to break apart the kiss for a second to remove my shirt.

He removes his shirt right after, throwing it across the room. He puts his his hands on my ass to pick me up, my legs wrap around his waist as he places me on his desk.

I watch as he removes my pants, i feel the warmth of his lips on mine. He places his arm around my waist as his other hand slips into my underwear, i feel his finger rub in circular motions on my clit.

I let out a moan as i feel 2 of Claptons fingers slip inside of me, "Fuck y/n your so tight" Clapton groans between kisses, shoving his fingers in and out of me, causing me to moan even louder than before.

Clapton breaks the kiss for a second to pull off his pants and boxers, my eyes widen in shock by how big his dick is.
Clapton opens a drawer next to me and pulls out a condom, he puts it on and positions himself at my entrance. "Ready?" Clapton asks me, "yeah" i respond.

I feel him thrust into me suddenly "Fuck Clapton!" I moan out. As Clapton thrusts in and out of me i get closer to my climax i start moaning uncontrollably throwing my head back in pleasure, i can hear Claptons breathing getting heavier and his hands on my waist.

"Fuck Y/N"

I hear Clapton groan right before i feel warmth take over the condom in me by his cum, i feel Clapton start thrusting faster. I let out a few moans before i also came, me and him stay there for a minute before he pulls out of me slowly and goes into his bathroom.

I see him come back with a towel and he cleans me and himself up, we both hear the bathroom door open.

I get up quickly and put on my underwear, pants, and bra, Clapton puts on his boxers and shorts when Alice walks in

"What the fuck Clapton!"

                         THE END

(Sorry it wasn't longer i just don't know how to finish it, but u can finish it in your imagination✨️🤭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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