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42. The Deal

Jennie's POV

It's been two weeks since we come back from
London. We stayed there just for the weekend, we had dinner with Tina before we left. I really like that girl and looks like Lisa likes her as well because they keep on calling each other every other day.

Anyway, things are better than ever. My baby is happy, I am happy, everything is amazing. Tomorrow is final volleyball game of the season. Our girls are playing against the team that always beat ours. That's actually one of Lisa's parents' school which I find really funny. Girls are like so excited and nervous at the same time, but they all believe in win.

Anyway, right now I'm sitting outside of school waiting for Lisa and Chaeyoung , because Ms. Rose kicked cheerleaders out! Hello? Who does that!? Jisoo left, because she had something to do with her parents, so I'm just now sitting alone under the tree. I could just go to school but I'm really bored so I just leaned against the tree and closed my eyes.

Everything's perfect.

"Hey, Jennie" someone said which made me open my eyes.

"Hi" I said while looking at boy with blonde hair.
"Sorry, do I know you?" I asked and he blushed.

"Yeah, well, I'm Jin, we have French class together" he said and I smiled, well of course I don't know him because on that class I kinda have my attention only on one person.

"Sorry, I don't really pay attention on people" I said and he blushed even more, okay I am making him embarrassed. "I didn't mean it like that" I added and he shook his head.

"It's okay" he said and smiled "Anyway, I am really hungry and I saw you siting here alone so I was wondering would you come with me to maybe grab a lunch" he asked and run one hand through his hair nervously.

"You know what, I am hungry" I said realizing that I have like hour more to wait, so why not just kill that

"Great" he said and took my hand to help me get up.
"So, is there anything special you want to eat?"

I shrugged "I'm always up for a good pizza" I said and he laughed.

"Well pizza it is"

I declined his invitation to go with the same car. He just told me where we are heading and I said I'll wait him there, so that's how it was.

I was there just few minutes before him. When he came we walked in and ordered.

"So, tell me something about yourself" he said with smile and I raised eyebrow at him.

"Not really fan of small talks" I said and he gulped
"sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"

"Nah, that's fine" I said and pizza finally come at our table. Okay, I am really hungry so I didn't bother to listen to him talking about some stuff.

"I was wondering" he started "are you going to cheer for volleyball finale? Because its not played on our court and all"

"Yeah, I am" I answered "it's different for finale you know, both schools' cheer squads will perform no matter where it's played so yeah."
"Oh bummer" he mumbled.


"Don't get me wrong, I love watching you cheer" okay creep "but I thought maybe you'd like to go with me on a game" he said.

"Well too bad"

We finished our meal in silence, and soon we were out. We sat down on bench, seriously I don't know why but okay.

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