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"So she's even disappearing during the days now too? What the hell is going on with her" Nayeon huffed while snuggled up with Jeongyeon when she saw Jisoo was approaching on her own, "...wait, where is Rosie?".


"Will you hurry up!" Lisa whispered aggressively while standing outside of Jennie's house, the moon shining brightly in the clear night sky. Jennie peaked out of her bedroom window and looked down at the Thai, "hold on, I'm posing my pillows under the blankets to look like I'm sleeping" she whispered back. Lisa held her hands out and raised an eyebrow, "are you 12?!". The older girl just scowled in response as she climbed out of her window and onto the roof of the garage. "Now what are you doing?" the Thai huffed irritably. Jennie was pacing back and forth on the ledge, "I'm looking for the best way to get down so I don't die". The brunette held her hand on head, "oh my God you wuss, just shimmy down the pipe". "YOU SHIMMY DOWN THE PIPE!" Jennie whisper-yelled back. Lisa had a confused expression on her face, "I-...what?".


After around 10 minutes of messing around and being too scared to jump down Jennie eventually lowered herself over the edge, allowing Lisa to grab her and help her down. "Aren't you going to be cold in that?" the black haired girl asked when noticing Lisa's outfit, the Thai was wearing a long baggy white button t-shirt and denim shorts, Jennie herself wearing tight black pants, a stripy white and blue t-shirt tucked into the waistband of her pants and a black leather jacket, she was a rock n roll girl at heart. The odd due, the hippie and the rocker, natural enemies yet best friends. Lisa smiled as she checked out Jennie's clothes, "you give off serious boyfriend vibes in that outfit" she joked. The elder smirked, "it's a shame I don't have a car, we could watch a movie at the drive-in and make out in the backseat" she uttered playfully. The Thai's eyes widened, though Jennie was only joking it still took Lisa by surprise and she could feel her cheeks beginning to flush, she just prayed it was too dark for the rocker to notice she was blushing.

"So what are we going to do?" Lisa asked, the elder knew the town a lot better than her so she'd know any night time hang out spots. Jennie grabbed Lisa's hand, "I have no idea, lets go find something fun!" she said excitedly as she pulled Lisa with her, the two girls started running and giggling down the street, with no idea where they were going or what they were going to do but it didn't matter, it felt like they had their entire lives the to figure that part out. For Jennie that may be true but not for Lisa, the time traveller could not stay here, this wasn't her world yet she was starting to get more and more attached to the place each time she walked through the Time Door and it was all because of Jennie Kim.


The two girls sat at the edge of a bridge with their legs hanging over the side as they watched some boys racing cars underneath them, "are you a virgin?" Jennie suddenly asked out of nowhere. Lisa choked and spat out her drink, "Jesus Jen, come right out with it why don't you!". Jennie laughed as she patted the coughing Thai's back, "I was just wondering, I know the reputation you hippie types have and you know...you have two boyfriends". "I have never had sex, never done anything sexual with a guy actually. Never loved the person I dated enough to want to do that" the younger replied honestly almost feeling a little stupid, like it was lame she hadn't slept with anyone yet, "what about you?". Jennie shook her head, "no, I'm still a virgin too. I mean Johnny wants to but...". Lisa laughed, "rule number one about men...they always want to". The elder smiled and nodded, "yep, I've noticed. I don't now though, I mean I really care about him but I don't think I'm ready yet, you know?". Lisa placed her hand on top of Jennie's as the two girls rested their heads against each others'. A soft breeze blew gently through their hair as Lisa stroked Jennie's hand with her thumb, both watching the racing beneath them. This had become a normal routine for the friends, that neither of them had actually notice but they had this natural instinct, a desire to touch each other all the time, whether it be holding hands, linking arms or something as simple as hooking an index finger into the pant pocket of the other girl, they just always found a way of touching each other sub-consciously. "Blue car is going to win" Lisa muttered. "Nah black car will win" Jennie replied. The Thai smiled, "wanna bet?". "Sure, whoever loses has to be the food after school on Monday" she said while snuggling up to Lisa for warmth. "Deal" the younger said with the same contented smile on her face.

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