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A/N: doing this for fun since I wished there was more content of them

FYI: while Velvet & Veneer are intimate with each other, this is NOT an insest book, nor does it have Veneer x Floyd.

The only ship in here is Veneer x KidRitz ⚠️


Veneer sat lying on the couch of their home. His parents were going to be away for the weekend so he was watching TV and flipping through shows of various boring things. Then with another channel of no interest popping up, he figures that it was time to do something else. He sighs as he sits up. The sky outside their balcony was darkening and there was still no sign of his sister.

He sets aside his worries and goes into his room to play some music. He turns on the radio and picks up a magazine. Sometimes he thinks reading an actual book would be better but that would require going to a library and he wasn't going to be caught dead in there.

So he scans the pages and comes across a section about the latest singers having the chance to perform at the rage show. His eyes linger on the image. Their clothes were expensive, their makeup and hair were clearly done by the best and their songs were everybody’s favorites.

Singing was his favorite thing to do, but he didn't have any plans to be public about it. His voice is terrible, and Velvet’s is deafening but either way, they still sing because it was fun to make songs. However, he does wonder what it was like to sing on the huge stage, surrounded by thousands of lights and every adoring fan out there. A dream like that was out of reach, but maybe something of his could make it out there.

He could create choreographies for the lucky singers, or learn how to make clothes for the chance of it being seen by thousands. If it wasn't his voice being out on that stage, then perhaps something else.

The thought of it excites him, but that would require work and was that dream even achievable?

Veneer lays on the bed, his back pressed against the mattress while he stares up at the thousands of posters looking down at him. He huffs and tosses the magazine somewhere in the room. Yeah, as if, too much effort.

Then the sound of the door downstairs is heard, followed by the voice of his sister calling out his name in her usual cheery voice. He peeks from around the stairs and he sees Velvet carrying a box. It wasn't a box you'd find shoes in, it was brown and it looked like it was picked off the streets. (It probably was)

“Hey, sis! Whatcha got there?” He asks as he sits at the counter in the kitchen. Velvet grins mischievously at him before setting it in front of him.

“Y'know our dream job?” She asks with excitement.

Veneer raises a brow. “The one that's impossible to achieve because of our voices being so bad, or becoming a CEO of a popular company?”

Velvet waves her hand as if to metaphorically shoo something away. “The singing one. Being a CEO is boring.”

“Alright, but what about it? And what’s with the box?” Veneer replies as he pokes it. It was the size of a shoebox, and some parts of it were peeled. (Oh, yeah. This was definitely from the streets.)

“That's what I'm about to show you,” Velvet says and opens one of the flaps slightly. “Peek inside and tell me what you see.”

Veneer gives her a look of distaste. “Do I have to? That thing doesn't look sanitary…”

“Just look inside! It'll be worth it!” Velvet urges. Veneer looks at the box and then at her before sighing. Okay, what's the worst that could happen?

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