Chapter 1

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7th of october, 1980

Regulus black did not expect to live a life he does now, surrounded by his friends and family. He always thought that with this war, they would die before they could even think of having a family in the future, but fate had other plans. His sister, Andrea Valentine black, who had been sick ever since their third year, got better and stronger then she got married. Her best friend, isabella avery, was now his wife and evans and his wife Amelia were now happily married and were excepting a baby by the end of November.

He didn't thought that this all would some day become real.
But now, as he looks at his daughter, Athena Andrea Avery-Black, He doesn't feel an ounce of regret in him for becoming a death eater, With this war and The dark lord gaining more power. This was the only choice they had, to protect their family, Protect his daughter and nieces.
And of course, expose Dumbledore.

The heirs, as the group called themselves were working with many other pureblood families to expose and ruin Dumbledore. They will make sure that they succeed in that.

"What are you thinking about, Reggie?" Asked his sister in law, may Valentine black.

"Nothing, just about how our lives changed so quickly and that too to something we never imagined.''

"I know right, none of us ever imagined our lifes this way and that too with kids"said may while looking at her daughter, Emerald Isabella Valentine - black, with loving eyes.

Emerald Isabella Valentine - black was the blood adopted daughter of His sister, Andrea and her wife May. The couple found emerald when they were returning from the ministry and decided to take a walk in the muggle world.
They found her in a street lying in a box. She has black hair, like andrea, and dark hazel eyes like may, a perfect combination of  the couple. They decided to take her in and blood adopt her. She became a Valentine black four months ago.
Making her the oldest black family child.
Then came, Draco Lucius Malfoy, son of Narcissa Malfoy neé black and Lucius Malfoy. The second.
And now Athena Andrea Avery-Black, the third one. As much as they want to make Leonardo a part of their family, sirius wouldn't let them. The old fool has him controlled and made him hate our family. He forgot the black Family's motto.

As they were talking about their life. Andrea and his best friend, Evans comes into the room.

"She's a younger Isabella, Reggie!" Exclaimed Evan.

"She's got Reggie's grey eyes though" said Andrea.

"She's awake guys" informed May as she saw Isabella waking up.

"She looks just like you izy." Said Regulus with awe in his eyes.

"Of course she does, did you actually think i would let her take after you?" Said his wife.

"She's got my eyes though"

"Yeah yeah, whatever, it's not like i had any control over that, i will make rea change the eye colour."

"You know you won't do that, your favourite thing about me are my eyes"

"That's not true, my favourite thing about you is--"

"And that is enough now you both," said andrea , stopping izzy mid sentence.

"We asked the head healer and she said that you will be able to leave after 48 hours" said evans.

"You are telling me that i have to stay here for two more days!"

"It's just two days bella, it wouldn't hurt much"

"We have to go now, there's a wizengamot meeting about the new attack and the ministry has some suspects." Said Andrea.

"And I have to go home and bring amy here, so if something goes wrong, she will be in care." Said evans.

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