chapter 7:

174 13 6

29th November, 1990:

Going to the knockturn alley was proven to be a great idea for dahlia. It had everything that she needed and everything about the dark arts was bought by her.

"Did you get everything,you need? Dahlia" asked may in a soft voice.

"Yes, lady valentine" answered dahlia.

"You can call me just by my name." said may

"You still need a wand" said athena.

"Before hogwarts?"

"This is Knockturn alley, no Dumbledore or the ministry can gain control over here."

"And how do you think, the heirs of the sacred house come prepared for Hogwarts? They are given their wands before they even get their Hogwarts letter" said emerald

"There is a famous wand maker in Knockturn alley, we can go there if would like that, dahlia" asked andrea.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you"


May took them to the wand maker while andrea talked to evan, regulus and adonis to make them aware of the situation.

The five went inside the shop to see many types of feathers, blood, wooden sticks, and everything that completes a wand.

"Go on dahlia, choose what your heart tell you to choose." Said astoria.

"Welcome, young lady and welcome lady valentine."

"Greetings lady Violetta Beauvais"

"Just like heiress Greengrass said, choose what your heart tells you to. Choose the wand core first."

Dahlia stood in front of the table and just kept staring at them till her eyes stopped on a jar containing dragon heartstring. She touched the jar for it to glow.

Violetta smiled at her and took the dragon heartstring.

She place it on a red cloth and said.

"Go on, now choose the wood."

Dahlia looked at the woods lying there and was slightly confused on how to choose one of them. One wood in particular caught her eye and she decided to choose that one. The wood  chosen by her was red oak.

"A wonderful and powerful combination for a mind like yours." Said Violetta. She then added.
"A dragon heartstring as the wand core and the combination of red oak, 14 inches and flexibility unyielding."

Dahlia could only look at the wand maker  astonished.

"Aren't you the cutest human being sometimes, dahlia?" Questioned helga

"Too many times for you to even think about taking revenge" added godric.

"Oh hush, you two. Talking about the wizarding world and experiencing it are two different things." Said rowena.

"She's right, let her enjoy her day" added Salazar.

"Of course you would agree with her, Salazar." Teased godric making Salazar yell at him to stop.

"It will take some time for me to create the wand."

"But should we do by then?" Questioned astoria.

"We go home. Have it delivered to our manor, lady Violetta" said andrea

"Of course, lady black"

The six exited the shop. Andrea told emerald and athena to hold her hand while Astoria and dahlia held May's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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