chapter 4

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2nd of November, 1988
Dahlia potter, was now 8 years old. Living with the dursleys was, well it was alright, as long as the work done by her was perfect, everything was fine.

Though, the dursleys always made sure to express their hatred towards her.

Petunia always reminded her how the potters left them here and choose their son. How she didn't deserve love and will never be deserving of it in the future.

Vernon always called her a freak or just girl and avoided using her name at all. He was also the first one to hit her.
She accidentally burned the bacon for  the breakfast so he took her hands and put them on the burning pan. He was always abusing herz whether it be mentally or physically.

Dudley was, well just Dudley, everything was okay with him as long as he got what he wanted. But as he grew he started doing the same as his father. Hitting her at every chance they got.

Despite suffering this much at such a young age. She didn't waver. She would occasionally give a sassy reply to the family, just to purposely get locked in her 'room' which was really just a cupboard under the stairs. 

She did because of the four presences in her mind. When she was 4 years old, she heard a voice, a very sweet one in her mind talking to her, at first she dismissed it as her own thoughts but then the voice changed and this time it was of a man telling her that she is actually deserving of love, and that no one gets to tell her that she isn't. The man was salazar Slytherin. The woman before him was helga Hufflepuff and soon she was introduced to rowena ravenclaw and godric Gryffindor. The four founder of hogwarts.

They would talk to her when she felt lonely and tell her about the on goings In the wizarding world. When she first found out that she could do magic, she wasn't all that surprised and in return surprised the founders with her intelligence and curiosity. She was more mature for a five year old. Salazar told her that while also adding that her brother was becoming more of a disgrace each passing day.
They told her how the dark light was ready to tear down the light side, especially the potters and sirius, for abandoning a child. Abusing a child means banishing from the 28 sacred pureblood families. The family should cherish the children not abandon them.
Godric informed her how her god parents were now a part of the dark side and were working in secret to Destroy the light lord.
These four were her family and they would remain so till her 11th birthday.
Rowena had told her that when she turns eleven and attends hogwarts.  There is a room which was used by the heirs of hogwarts and that dahlia should use that room whenever she wanted to talk to them face to face till then, they will continue to talk in her thoughts.

Salazar and godric taught her to control her magic and potions while rowena and helga taught the pureblood customs and culture that she would need to use when she meets one to make them her ally. They also told her some of the pureblood families that can and will help her in the future, the list consisted of
The blacks
The avery
The Greengrass
The green
The Scamander
The malfoy
The nott and
The zabini family
They told her to take her revenge on that family of hers and make them regret abandoning her.
Oh morgana, let's hope that their Merlin can save them!

Harry potter was having a wonderful day. It was another day with his mum and dad and his god father and his best friend leo, his uncle remus couldn't come because of some work though.

But he understood his uncle's reasons. He was still grieving over his sister. What he didn't understand was that how and why would anyone miss her?
She was a dark witch, a threat to the wizarding World's saviour and he missed her! That's ridiculous. But enough of that. He just wanted to enjoy with his family and hope that they will get him that new flying broom that he had been wanting last week. Oh, who is he kidding, of course they will get him the broom. They will get him anything he asked for, he was, after all, their saviour.

While they were getting the broom and were being photographed. He sensed someone staring at him. He turned around to see a boy with platinum blond hair looking at him. When they made eye contact. The boy smiled at him but harry didn't smile back. Who was this boy and what did he want. Then he remembered him

It was Draco Malfoy. Son of Lucius Malfoy, his father and god father's enemy and a former death eater. The boy started walking towards him and behind him was his family.

"Merry meet, heir potter. I am heir draco Malfoy, from the ancient and noble house of malfoy"

Merry meet?! Who talks like that and who does he think he is to just talk to the saviour like that. He was going to give him a reply when his dogfather interrupted.

"Malfoy, came here to meet our celebrity, well you should know that he doesn't interact with the dark kind and would definitely not be friends with your son"

"Oh, and that's the reason why you gave your niece away Sirius, because she was more stronger than this glassed stick here"

" my son only wanted to be kind and introduce himself, it's not every day that he decides to interact with the weak and low kind, isn't that right draco?"
"Yes mother" was his reply while the potters were still frozen in their places after hearing about their daughter from Malfoy's mouth.

"Nobody wants a daughter who will bring shame to the family name Lucius" said James.

"The only one bringing shame to the family name is you, james, poor Euphemia must be rolling in her grave right now after learning about your abandonment of your own daughter."

"Why you--"

"I think, we should leave james" said lily
"She's right prongs, it's not like we have anymore business here. We already bought the broom for our little harry here" added Sirius

While the potters retreated, the malfoy family just rolled their eyes at the disgrace of a pureblood family and left for the Valentine estate to drop draco off at his cousin's so they could attend a ball.


And that is enough for today's chapter, i know it was a short one but i still tried. I have my exams coming up and that's the reason why I was not able to update the new chapter. And the one previous written was deleted as i forgot to save it as a draft.
So, thank you for your time and for reading this.
I hope to upload soon.
Till then take care
And bye bye
Fellow readers!👋

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