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The day has ended. Surprisingly it went really well, thanks to Olivia for coming up to me. We became really close in those few hours we know each other.

"Hey new girl." Liam leans against the wall next to me. I see his friends smirking and walking away. "Hi." I say looking away.

"Why did you transfer, new girl?" "I have a name, you know." I say annoyed. "Oh yeah, Nina right?" He responds teasing me. "Noa." I correct him. "Noa, sorry. So why did you?" "My other school didn't have my major anymore." I say. He's just smirking at me without saying anything. God I hate that smirk.

"I have to go." I say walking away. "See you around, Collins." He yells after me. I'd rather not.

"Noa! Wait!" Olivia yells running up to me. "So, me and some friends are going ice skating. You wanna come?" "Oh, I'm really tired actually." I respond. "Oh yeah that's fine. Join us tomorrow then?" She's says happily. "Yeah, sure." Good! I'll see you tomorrow." "Yes, bye." She runs back up to her friends. I would love to go with them, but today drained me.

I find my way to the dorms and look for my one, D12. I'm excited to meet my roommate. I open my door to see that no one's there. She must have classes right now, I think to myself. I place my bag onto my desk and look around the room. I furnished this really well.

The door opens behind me and Olivia walks in. "Oh, my God. Are you my new roomie?" She asks me. "Yes I am!" I smile. She runs up to me and hugs me, "I'm so glad." She says, "When they told me I got a new roommate, I was literally hoping it would be someone fun. And it is." She winks.

Next morning. This time my alarm went off on time. My classes only start at 10, so I got ready and went to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. There's people who say they can't eat in the morning. Well I'm the complete opposite, I'm literally so hungry in the morning.

Olivia her classes already started as she has a different major so we don't have any classes together at all. Sadly.

I got my breakfast and take a seat. I see a girl waking up to me so I smile at her. "Hey, Noa? We met yesterday." Luna says. "Oh yeah, Luna right?" "Yes! Mind if I join?" "No of course not." I smile.

"So, how you finding it?" Luna asks me. "It's going well actually. I'm literally so happy that Olivia is my roommate." I laugh. "Ah yes. I'm glad that you're in a dorm together." She responds.

"I've heard Liam's been annoying you." She awkwardly laughs. "Oh yeah. Well I don't plan on giving him any attention." I smile, "Are you guys like together?" I ask her, wondering why she brought him up. "No, no we're not. But like, I don't know, I maybe like him a bit, I don't know." She says. "How could you like that asshole?" I turn and raise my eyebrows.

She laughs, "I'm kidding. But don't worry, I don't want anything from him." "Okay. You're gonna skate with us later, right?." Luna asks me standing up. "Yep." I smile. "Good, I'll see you later girl."

I only had 2 classes today. Lucky me. So I'm on my way back to the dorm.

I walk into the room and Olivia immediately comes up to me. "Hey girly." She hugs me. "Hey." "Sooo, are you excited to go ice skating. "I really am, yes." "Good. I'm just gonna grab something to eat real quick, and we're leaving in 30 so be ready." Olivia says walking out the room.

I put on some leggings and a crop top, pull my hair up into a high ponytail and make my way downstairs to the rest.

One of the girls, Kiara, drove us there. As we walk into the rink I see that the hockey boys are having practice. Great.

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