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I scrolled through the contents on my phone. 5 new Instagram direct messages? Dayum, I must be popular!
One caught my attention as I was scrolling through the normal fan messages. cody.gqkpo? My old crazy ex. Holy shit!

hey ml, wanna have dinner tmr? luv from codykins

                                                                        are you mad? ya know what? fine. only bc of runway.
i'm your g.o.a.t. ;)
love u bb, cody

Well, that was certainly an odd encounter. Why did I agree? Cody's fucking mad. And I fucking love me a mad man... and also.. because I want to avoid him kissing me!

We're both considered crazy exes of each other, but it's obvious no one really thinks we don't like each other. Take this Instagram post that Cody posted, as an example.



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cody.gqkpo: photoshoot w/ da boys! day 457 of missing aurora ml <33

username: omds get over aurora!! so creepy!
cody.gqkpo: get over my pookie? neverrr @auroratomxo <3

username: yall should get back together!
username: right? like
cody.gqkpo: 100 percent agree <3

I don't know why he's not trying to hide the fact he obviously likes me!
Okay, maybe I like him, just a little. But still. I'm going to the Netherlands tomorrow for a runway, and I'm going to his flat!!
No, we haven't spoken since we broke up however many days ago he said on that Instagram post. We've kinda been... mutually flirting. I have to admit his clinginess is very attractive, and super cute!! I can just imagine hugging him from behind, us both in big giant hoodies of his, and us never letting go.

Was what I said to myself on the plane as it landed. Bam. I was in the Netherlands. Awkward conversation with Cody awaited me as I walked down the airport with a somewhat familiar scent as I used to come here all the time to see him, and an even more familiar scent made my nose tingle. I looked up after glancing at my watch and unexpectedly, he was there. I blushed immediately but didn't smile at my acknowledgment of his presence to prevent any... unwanted (very much wanted) attention.

"Cody I was gonna call a taxi?" I said, a little confused. He responded with some warm smile before saying,
"I know, just couldn't wait to see you. I know you're only here for the runway, but, I am your ex after all."
He spread out his arms hoping for a hug. I looked at him, an eyebrow raised. Did he really want this after all? Just as he was about to remove his arms, my eyes latched on to his and we made intense eye contact (something I'd definitely missed all those long years we were distant from one another).

I dug my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I'd been waiting for this. It's really the whole reason I had come. Cody smiled and knelt down, so he was in level with my ear. "Much shorter than I remember, my love?" he said, teasing me. "Ohh, stop it you!" I giggled. He really knows how to perk someone up, and make them fall for him like crazy, that's for sure. I kinda wish we never split.

I'd never have the courage to tell him again. After all we went through just to make that whole thing ours, paparazzi, fans, obsessed people, everything. Cody was almost killed. If Cody died then I would've never forgiven myself. Plus, we were all over the news! Day after day, nothing was ever new, it was just, Cody, Aurora, Cody and Aurora, oh, they broke up, and only then would it go back to how it was.

That's why this time, I've learned how to keep secrets.

Cody doesn't know what he's in for..

hii guys! how was it? the URGE to write '<3' in this paragraph when Cody was talking was KILLING ME. so glad it's over! what did u think? more pts coming soon <33

my g.o.a.t - cody gakpoWhere stories live. Discover now