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Cody slammed me against the crystal white, silk bedsheets. God I miss his.. boldness. It's hot.

"Cody.." I whispered with a groan.
"What is it? 'm I too much for you, love?" He flirted, just like he used to. This was way too much for me, but damn, did I love it.

"I love you." I began. "I really, really do. But I don't know if we can do this. The media, the fans, the paparazzi.." I would go on about how scary this would be for hours until I felt a soft finger on my lip.

"Love. It's alright. Secrets are alright sometimes. You're my little secret, Aurora. Mine." he confidently said whilst he comforted me. "God man, you're so.." I loved this man. It's true.

"Oh, say no more." He grinned. Before I knew anything he had jumped on top of me. "You little.." I giggled under my breath. "Little what?" He again, responsively joked. I put my hands around his neck and my forearms bent to touch the back of his head and he kissed me again. I grumbled at the feeling of being back with him at last. He was my destiny. My superglue.

Can we just.. stay up and talk about us all night, maybe??

That's what I wanted to say. But I figured now it was best to just get lost in the moment with him. God knows what will happen. I like it that way. We'll figure it out.. eventually.

So much for getting lost in the moment. Hours passed and now I lay in the double bed with Cody. It was 3 o'clock. I wanted to wake him up. But he was lowkey cute.. when he was asleep. So I left him.

I reached over to get my phone to look at my newest Instagram comments. Sheesh, people are weird on that app. I yawned, scrolling past them, when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, violently turning me over. I placed my phone down and swivelled around to face him. "Morning." he whispered. A soft gaze met mine and we both smiled. "Runway today," he began. "Excited?" Yeah. I was. Excited to be back in the Netherlands too. "Yeah.. I guess. But more excited to be seeing you, right now." I said, still maintaining my beaming smile.

"Relax, you got this." Cody comforted me as I was about to walk down the catwalk. "And if anything happens, I'll be sitting here with my mate Virgil. You know him. I love you." He said before sweetly kissing me on the cheek. There was no time for more, or to say thank you, because in the blink of an eye he had suddenly disappeared. This was it. My turn.

I strutted down confidently, my hair flowing. But the best part of all of that was the fact Cody was watching me the whole time. It was like heaven of a runway.

Oh my god.

I cannot explain in words how much Cody just made me fall for him even more.. I didn't even know that was possible... but he sure did it. I guess he can do anything. My saviour. My superhero. My... love.

"You did great!!" Cody squealed, driving back to the apartment. "Hmm.. you think so?" I replied, examining both Cody's gorgeous face... and my runway walk. "My posture from this angle doesn't flatter me at all.." I said, paranoid. Focus on Cody.
"Oh, that's okay. It's your first runway in the Netherlands in 4 years. You did amazing, sweetheart." My heart fluttered at the moment the word 'sweetheart' popped out of his mouth.

The next part.. it's better. Trust.

PAUSE: theres a lot of romance in this bit. kinda icky iykwim. sorry to ruin the suspense haha!! no smut though. not yet.. 😏

So there I found myself, with Cody, the Dutch man I loved ever so dearly. He gripped onto my hair tightly, and we kissed, and kissed, and kissed. He was the fucking one. "Ughh.." I groaned. "What?" his curious response sending me in a whirl. "I loveee you.." I admitted shyly. We sat down on his bed and I braided my hair into a single plait. "Looks good on you." He interrupted. "Thank y-" I was about to say before he placed a kiss on my cheek. I turned bright red faster than a paparazzi's camera could flash us together.

"Oh!" I realised we hadn't went to that dinner last night.. I wanted to go, really!! I explained this to him (minus the me really wanting to go part..) and he booked us in for tonight. Shit! I've gotta get ready then.

I was in the bathroom applying my contour and humming a soft melody until Cody walked in with a suit on. "Jeez, didn't know you had a suit." I laughed. To my surprise (and sadness..) he didn't compliment the short red dress I was wearing - nor did he notice that it was the same one we wore to dinner 4 years ago, and that I still fit into it- "Oh my god!! That's your dress from four years ago!" He beamed.
"Wait.. if there's paparazzi how are we gonna go to the restaurant..?" Cody, why why whyyy didn't you figure this out?! I guess we'll be fine.. I guess.

im gonna leave this here bc honestly im struggling to get shit out..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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