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Cody drove down the rocky, bumpy roads. The sweet, soft sound of his voice slid into my ears so smoothly. I loved his voice, please never stop talking. "So, how have the uh, runways, been, you know, since we... parted?" he asked curiously. He can't help but be a little curious sometimes, one of the downsides of a boyfriend like him. "Eh, alright I suppose." I missed him watching me in those beautiful dresses I used to wear. We always used to joke. About one of those gorgeous dresses being the one I wore to our wedding one day, which never happened. I'd love to marry this man. Everything about him is so...

I arose from my slumber, to my surprise, in Cody's arms. He was unlocking the door to his flat. As he noticed my consciousness, he looked down at me with a glance and a warm smile. "Hey." he said warmly. "Should I put you down?" he asked, concerned. I was tired. His embrace was so warm and welcoming, it seemed there was really no option but to stay where I was currently, in his arms. I shook my head, politely declining his offer.

I let out a slight whimper as his grip tightened. "Cody.." I said. "What is it, baby?" My face trembled. My lip quivered, my breathing quickening by the second as I replayed that voice, saying that word, again and again. My face turned into a cherry tomato. This euphoric feeling.. I'd missed it for so long. This is what I deserve. A nice man. One who understands me, but that's the thing. No one has all of these outstanding qualities apart from... Cody. Just a simple response had put me so high up in the air, I felt like I was flying.

"Your grip is... really tight..." I managed to blurt out, among my light panting and breaks for air. I let out a soft, mild sigh of relief as his grip got looser. My breathing slowed. "I fucking love you Cody." I said. I didn't want to hide it anymore. I didn't have to. I couldn't. Cody is it. My one and only person that believes in me. Gets me. God.. this man.. he's really the one.

"We were destined together, baby." he said, with a proud beaming smile. But we were. I was attached to him like a piece of string - a piece of indestructible string, that is. "I've missed you." I said, truth stringing the harmony of each of my words. I meant all of this. "Me too." his simple yet hypnotising words stunned me.

And this was the moment. The perfect moment.

A sudden feeling of grand euphoria rushed over me as I felt his lips suddenly touch mine. The perfect moment I'd been waiting for.. for many years. Too many years, possibly.

"Cody.. I- ha- wha.." the words struggled to leave my lips as I was still in immediate shock from his sudden affection towards me. Me of all people? Me?!

But god, god was I happy it was me. Why? Oh.. you'll see why.


also we nearly reached 10 views on chapter 2 😝

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