Chapter 11

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He didn’t see her the next day, he’d been so preoccupied with her he’d let things pile up at work almost to the point of negligence. He had hundreds of people’s livelihoods in his hands and he took that seriously, so now that he had his concentration back he knew he needed to catch up with his responsibilities. He was at his office all day and through the evening.

On top of that, he was doing his utmost not to overwhelm her and he had plans for Saturday that he knew she was going to consider to be a big deal. But he didn’t want to wait any longer to show her, she’d looked so concerned when she’d mentioned being expected to live in Malfoy Manor, he wanted to prove to her he’d never had any such intention.

He’d told her the truth, it had never occurred to him that she would ever live at the Manor. It wasn’t just because of what had happened to her there, though if that was the only issue it would have been plenty of reason to keep her away from the house of horrors his ancestral home had become. He was only still living there himself because he had seriously tried his father’s patience by taking off to France after the war. He didn’t care about that either, but it had upset his mother, so he’d returned to the Manor to smooth things over.

The moment he’d realized he was a Veela and that Hermione was his mate he’d begun exploring alternatives. He found the perfect solution in his ancestors’ journals in the form of a place that had been lost to time and the negligence of one of his more selfish relatives. He tracked it down and had begun feathering his nest, so to speak, in preparation for approaching his mate. His instincts told him she'd approve, he hoped they were right. He would soon find out.

He stepped through her floo early Saturday morning only to be joyfully attacked by his love. She jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him enthusiastically. He chuckled into her mouth.

“Not that I’m all, but is there a reason for this enthusiastic greeting. Did I do something to deserve it? Because if so I intend to repeat it over and over.”

She went to release him but he clasped her buttocks and held her in place. She gasped softly but didn’t fight him. She leaned back to look at him.

“You sent me a flower arrangement almost as big as I am to the ministry. Normally, I would have found such a display to be...over the top but, I don’t know, nobody’s ever done anything like that for me before. I just, thank you,” she caressed his head affectionately.

His heart expanded and then contracted rapidly. How was this amazing woman brought to her knees by a simple flower arrangement? True, based on what he had ordered it probably had turned out to be nearly as big as she was, but she was tiny, so it's not like that was a big deal.

“Where did you tell people it came from?” he asked curiously.

She smiled impishly at him.

“Why, I seem to have acquired a secret admirer, of course. There was no card, so I could truthfully say I didn't know who sent it,” she paused dramatically, “it was you, wasn’t it? If not I need to check out this secret admirer angle, see if I have a better option out there.”

He knew she was joking, at least he was pretty sure that she was. Still, the sudden stab of jealousy he felt was overwhelming.

“Not funny Granger,” he growled.

He walked over to her sofa and tossed her onto it and then crawled on top of her. Her eyes went wide but she eagerly responded when he covered her lips with his. She moaned when he moved to her neck, but then all of a sudden she began to giggle and frantically push him away. He pulled back to look at her.

“Are you trying to give me a complex, witch?” he questioned with a playful growl, “first you imply that there are better options out there, and now you’re laughing at me while I'm trying to kiss you?”

 His Veela Heritage by RiverWriterWhere stories live. Discover now