Chapter 1: One inch closer to me.

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Chapter 1: One inch closer to me.


Ok.. so this part of the story is very straightforward and has a lot of information, so get ready.


January 5th 2011..

I was on a boat sailing to Big Diomede and Little Diomede Island in hopes of seeing MY daughter not Russia's. Why would it be Russia's child if I knew the child was coming? Well, Countryhumans are born on the land they own or their parents land. If MY child is born on MY land it's mine, but if it's born on Russia's land then it's his. But I know it's mine because I have been getting signals from Earth. 20 earthquakes in a week?? A non-man-made earthquake in Colorado?? Yeah, the birth of a Countryhuman is coming and I have the ancient Countryhuman book that has been around since ancient Mesopotamia to see if MY child is the "Chosen Countryhuman"! It's probably not though because the book was proven wrong after the invasion of Nazi Germany..

"Sir, we're almost there." Says the sailor of the small boat. "Great! Thanks for bringing me!" I said, smiling at him fluttering my wings. "Shit!" The sailor said. "We're stuck! Sorry America but I don't think we can make it right to the middle." The sailor frowned in disappointment. "Ah, It's ok man. I'll just hike my way there." I say kinda disappointed. "No! You can't! It's way too cold. You'll die!" The sailor said.


"Let me just give you a safety jacket and some materials that will get you there easier. Please, It's the best I can do." He said, grabbing a life jacket and a flare gun. "Oh, thank you." I said passing him two hundred American dollars.

As I walked off the boat he waved to me as I walked into the snowy, ice cold storm in the middle of nowhere. Just 28 miles until I get there. I can do it right? I mean, if I can kill the Japanese empire then I can walk twenty-eight miles into a frozen ocean and still survive right? Geez America! You're a Countryhuman for gods fucking sake! You're one of the top three strongest Countryhumans! Of course you can fucking do this!

After what felt like hours I finally was only one mile away from my destination. I could see the Russian mainland in the distance, ew...
Then I found a small being laying on the frozen ice crying. I ran faster than light.

The baby was naked and crying. Before I picked her up I noticed she was closer to me than the Russian mainland. "YESS!!! FUCKING YESS!!" I screamed in joy as I took off my Jacket and wrapped it around her. She kept crying. "Shh, Shh it's okay. Papa's here.. Shh." I was nearly crying. She looked like me, She had wings like me and had pretty thick hair for being just born. But then I noticed my daughter's flag looked familiar..

I quickly took out the book and flipped to the page where they showed the flag of the "Chosen Countryhuman."

"My daughter and the Chosen Countryhuman have the same flag.." I whispered to myself. I kept on reading the book until I came across a word saying "Name her Kyree, for she will be a noble lady. She will be stronger than all the other Countryhumans. Half the Countryhumans will hate her while the other half will love her. Hide her away until she's an adult."

I look at her. "I guess your name is Kyree." I chuckle as I hold her in my arms. She stays quiet, not cooing or anything. "You're probably really hungry aren't you?" I say getting up with her still in my arms.

As I start to walk towards home I get worried. How will I hide her until she's 18? Shit.. I don't have any hidden bunkers that no one knows about.. But I do have a hidden cabin hidden in the big forests of Colorado! Yes! I'll hide her there until she's 18!

(Time skip to 5 days later.)

I finally made it to the cabin. No one noticed me, No one knows about my daughter. Great. I walked into the cabin. Geez I haven't been here since the beginning of world war 2.. I go lay Kyree on the bed. Dust was everywhere. I take off my shoes and lay down next to Kyree. "I can already tell you're a troublemaker." I say laughing a bit as I kiss her on her forehead. Kyree starts cooing as I grab out a baby bottle and some baby formula.

I quickly make the milk and put the bottle in her mouth. She starts drinking. I lay next to her still holding the bottle to her mouth. I start to get anxious about how I am gonna rule a country and secretly take care of a baby. My mind filled with thoughts of how I was gonna do what I was gonna do in order to hide this child away from 7 billion people. I close my eyes and think, forgetting about the baby bottle accidentally dropping it on Kyree. Kyree starts to cry as I notice what I did. "Oh, shit. Sorry Kyree." I grab her and kiss her on the nose. She stops crying.

I lay down on my back with Kyree on my chest and think. "I can fucking do this. I know it."

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