Chapter 14: She isnt THAT strong!

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I was walking through the facility that the dead countryhumans were put in. They all looked so weird. Some of them were 100 feet tall, some were smaller than a mouse, and a lot of them made weird in-human noises.

I walked for about another 5 minutes till I heard a countryhuman knock on the bullet-proof glass window. "USA." I jumped when I heard it, the voice.. so similar..

I turned around to see a man, except it wasn't any man, it wasn't a countryhuman who made in-human noises that was smaller than a mouse or 100 feet tall. It was a modern-day countryhuman.

He looked familiar too, red skin, his left eye with the Communist symbol gone, scars along his face. I-it was..

"OH СУКА, SNAP OUT OF IT AND COME TO ME. NOW. Блядь.." Said the man.

"Sorry sir, I don't know you, and I need to go." I said, turning to walk away.

"Блядь, It's me, the Soviet Union, America." He said in a thick Russian accent. I immediately remembered him and turned his way.

"OHHHH, now I remember you. What do you want." I asked, walking up to his cell room thingy. "Get me out of here." He asked. I stared at him for a second like he was crazy. "Cmon, you're about in your 30s now, I helped you when Japan attacked you in your teens, y'know that radiation you put in that nuclear bomb really affected me, now how about you repay me and get me out of this stupid hell-hole huh?" He asked, I knew he was trying to persuade me. "Sorry, I can't." I said, getting up about to walk away.

"Блядь, Fine. Just let me talk to your daughter." He asked. I stopped. How does he know about my daughter? "How do you know about my daughter?" I turned around speed walking towards his cell. "How do I know her? Ah, I know her because me and her talk to each other in her dreams were basically friends." He says, smiling. "She's special, y'know? She can end the universe if she wants to." He said, leaning against the glass window/wall. "What? No, she can't. You're crazy." I said, Kyree, did have a dream about him though, he might not be lying. "I'm not lying! She has the power of a God if she isn't one. She can control the elements!" He said, waving his hands around. I chuckled and walked away. My daughter isn't THAT strong.

(Russia's POV)

It was moring time, I got out of bed and got ready for work. After I was finished, I got into my car and drove to work. The stuff happening in Antarctica is going good, I wish it wasn't, so I'd have a better excuse to talk with America. I got to my work and walked to my office.

I sat there doing research.. well, not research.. but looking at.. y'know.. That's until America walked in. I closed my laptop faster than the speed of light and looked at him, and smiled. "So, everything in Antarctica is doing OK. That's great." America said. "Also, I wanted to talk with you." He said, sitting down on a nearby chair. "Why have you been nicer to me? Are you going to attack me or something, or is it because your dad is in my facility?" He asked. My heart began to race. I didn't know what to say.

"Because I want to fuck you." I said really fast. I immediately regretted what I said. America looked at me like I was a homeless man jerking off in the middle of a highway. We stood there in silence when America just stood up and walked out of my office. Once he was out and far away from my office, I screamed at myself. "YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH! WHY DID YOU DO THAT RUSSIA? FUCK!" I slapped myself in the face multiple times until I calmed down. What am I supposed to do now. America will never like me.


Oh my fucking God what did I just witness? Did Russia really say he wanted to fuck me? What is going on this month.
I was walking to my office when I was Kyree playing with South Korea. I smiled and kept walking to my office. While I turned a corner, I then saw Afghanistan.
"اوه أيتها العاهرة الأمريكية.."
(Translation: Ugh, American bitch.)
He said, obviously disgusted. "Can't be talking, Islamic terrorist.." I whispered back to him. Afghanistan kept walking, and so did I.
I walked to my office and sat down. I couldn't stop thinking about what Ryssia said to me. Did he actually mean it? I kept worrying until Kyree walked into the room.

"Hi, Papa!" She said, running to hug me. "Hi, sweetheart." I said, rubbing her back while we hugged. "Are we going home soon?" She asked. "Not yet." I responded. She frowned. "Why? Do you want to go home?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Why?" I asked. "I'm hungry, and I want to sleep." She said. "Aw, honey. Here, do you want me to order us some Korean food?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I smiled back and ordered food.

(45 minutes later)

The food finally came, and I told Kyree to come and eat. After we finished eating, it was about time to go home.

Me and Kyree got into the car and drove home. That's when my mind wondered what Russia said to me again. I worried about it the whole drive home. And I knew Kyree noticed how worried I was. "Papa, are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. I didn't want to worry her. "Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine." I said.
After 29 more minutes, I finally pulled into the driveway. Me and Kyree ran into the house and immediately got pajamas on and got ready for bed. (It was around 9 pm)

Kyree got into bed, and so did I. I immediately started cuddling her. I held her in my arms until she fell asleep. It felt like she was the only person who could stop me from worrying.

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