chapter 1

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The sound of rain continued as minutes went by. It was almost relaxing, if it weren't for me running late for uni, and to make things worse, I forgot my umbrella in my other bag as I'm on my way to university. My older brother, Sungchan, had already left earlier since he has morning football practice especially with their match coming up next week.

But, him leaving early only means that I had to ride the train on my way to uni since he's the only one who has and knows how to ride a car.

I already looked like I got splashed on by water with how wet my hair and shirt were, and I wanted to curse at myself for not listening to my mother who didn't stop reminding me to not forget my umbrella. I haven't even attended any of my classes yet, but I'm already so stressed out.

I love rain, but not when it inconveniences me.

I immediately sat down on an empty seat inside the train, not even minding the other passengers since I already feel a bit shy because of my current appearance.

I decided to just fish out my handkerchief from the pocket of my jeans to at least help drying myself, but to my surprise, I couldn't feel it there. Don't tell me I also forgot to bring a handkerchief today?


I don't know why the universe is suddenly picking on me. Please, I need them to stop before I start crying inside this goddamn train.

But, to my surprise, a huge hand with a handkerchief on top of it came into my view, so I looked at the person next to me, and after seeing the person and realizing who I was sitting next to, all I wanted to do was run away and hide and never be seen by him ever again.

Lee Anton is sitting next to me.

And he looks so good in his get up: a black turtleneck with some black pants as well. He looked like he could be a main character from a dark academia movie. Especially now that he had dyed his hair back to black, it only complimented his fair skin even more. And he's wearing his eyeglasses, which only made him look more handsome.

And I currently look like shit next to him with my best get up of the year which was a long white maxi skirt and a fitted white crop top.

Oh my god. I can't believe my crush of 7 years just saw me like this. I have always tried to look more presentable whenever he's around just so he would at least find me average, but the universe just really had to ruin my perfect streak today!

"Hi," I finally breathed out, "Thanks for this." I continued, before taking the handkerchief from his hand, and I almost let out a squeal when my fingers touched his hand for a second.

Goddamnit, Jung Yumi! We need to stay calm!

"Awful morning already?" he asked, his voice was so soft like a feather, and there was a smile on his face, and all I wanted to do was to bang my head in the train's window and scream. Why is he so good looking to the point I can't even talk in front of him? It's like I just forget how to form a sentence whenever I'm in front of this man, and it's not healthy at all.

"Yeah," I murmured, trying my best not to say anything weird by only answering him with one word. I don't trust myself at all. Especially since this was the very first time in 7 years that we're alone together.

It was always us with our other friends, but it was never just us.

"I'm gonna wash this first and give it back to you," I told him, while showing his handkerchief. And once again, Lee Anton gave me a friendly smile.

"No need to give it back, Yumi. It's yours now. Don't forget your handkerchief next time," he answered, and before I can even think of a reply, the train already announced that we're on our destination.

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