chapter 24

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Anton was peacefully sleeping in his bed, and I on the other hand can't help but still feel a bit worried after realizing that he passed out because of overfatigue and stress. The scars on his fingers also didn't look like it was healing, rather they looked fresh. Their family physician already said that he'll be fine after he rest well, but still, I'm really stressed out.

Lastly, he'll be alone in this huge house of theirs because his parents went with his younger brother for Andy's overseas competition and they won't be back in the next few days. I know that there are maids here, but I just really can't help but be worried for him.

"You do know that he's old and can take care of himself, right?" Sungchan nagged, but I only glared at him.

"I'm staying here." I told him with finality. I don't think I can even walk out of Anton's room right now because of the state he's in.

"Then I'm staying too." I could only groan at my brother's stubbornness, but then again, I got mine from him.

I glanced at Sungchan, and I saw him already sitting down in one of Anton's couch inside his room. Seriously, when will he go home? He can't possibly just stay here all night? Our parents are gonna wonder why none of their kids went back home.

"Fine. But, you're gonna  make up the excuse for Ma," I said and I could only hear a soft grunt from Sungchan.

"I'm gonna sleep, so don't do anything funny." Sungchan told me using that annoying older brother tone of his, so I had no choice but to tell him that I'll behave. I'm also glad that my brother is using his headphones and was even a heavy sleeper, meaning, he wouldn't be able to hear whatever I'll be saying later if me and Anton would talk.

My attention then went back to Anton when he suddenly let out a soft groan. Is he waking up? But, he should still be sleeping and resting.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, sounding too concerned that I had to mentally slap myself for it.

"My head's hurting like crazy," he murmured as he was busy rubbing his eyes. It's an adorable sight, and he sounded like his usual self, soft and gentle. I really missed this side of his. All I wanted to do was pull him in for a tight hug.

"Here, drink some water. You'll drink your meds in the next 6 hours so hang in there, okay?" I ordered, and I even gave him the glass of water that I prepared incase he woke up.

"Yumi?" he called, and I immediately went next to him after I put the glass of water down to his bedside table.

"Why? Are you hungry? I'm gonna ask a maid to bring some porridge here," I asked, and worry was really evident in my tone now, in fact, I don't think I can hide it anymore. I really am concerned for his well-being, and I want to take care of him even more after seeing how bad his state is at the moment.

"I don't feel like eating. And if I do, I might just throw up," he quickly answered, before lying on his bed again.

I let out a deep sigh before getting up, but even before I can walk away, Anton was fast enough to stop me by grabbing my arm.

"Don't go, please." He looked like he's about to cry as he held my arm, and that was enough to make me pull him in for a hug. And through the hug, I was able to confirm that he's still burning up. Even his cheeks were a bit red now that I'm able to get  a closer look at him.

"I'm gonna go get a towel, okay?" I asked, and I was glad when Anton finally let me go. I can't help but find it amusing since I never knew he could be so clingy when sick.

I ended up taking the face towel and small basin from his bathroom so that I can make him feel a bit refreshed since he was still burning up.

"I'm gonna use the face towel on you now, okay?" I told him, before taking his arm to wipe it, only to feel shocked by how hot it was. But, the doctor did say he has a fever, still, I'm so fucking worried.

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