chapter 6

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Three days. Anton has been ignoring me for three days now. He left immediately after he dropped me off at Rina's house so we really didn't have enough chance to talk.

I don't even remember what he looked like when I confessed to him three days ago, since I was too shy to even steal a glance.

Today was my brother's first football match for this year, and yet I still haven't seen Anton. He was always so supportive of Sungchan and vice versa with Sungchan always supporting Anton with his cello and swimming competitions, so I don't know why he's suddenly not showing up.

"Girl, I swear to god I am going to kill him after the game," I heard Rina muttering under her breath, and despite looking annoyed, she still looks so pretty.

"What the problem?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Anton's bringing Min Jeong. My ex slash his cousin," Rina answered, before showing me their convo where Anton sent her a selfie together with a pretty girl with short hair.

So that's the ex girlfriend? She's so pretty! She's like a living ghibli character.

Damn. Now I feel really guilty, because I'm not updated with Rina's love life at all.

"I'm sorry for being such a bad friend, Rina." I whispered, but I was shocked when Rina poked my cheek instead.

"You're not. It's my fault for not telling you anything. I was scared you'll find me weird," she explained, making me shook my head.

"I would never, Rina. Look, I might be straight, but I don't judge. I love you for who you are," I told her, hoping that she would never hesitate to tell me anything ever again.

"Might? So there's a chance you're not a hundred percent sure you're straight?" she teased, making me laugh before hitting her playfully.

"Hey, is it alright to invite Anton's cousin for our hang out later? We can't leave her alone," Jiwoo asked, and we all agreed to her suggestion.

"Time to see who's the superior cousin!" Dohee cheered, making all of us laugh at her sudden enthusiasm.

"It's starting!" someone from the crowd screamed, and we're all back to focusing on the field and the players.

My brother really shines whenever he's on the field. You can see that he really loves football. No wonder he has lots of offers from different universities way back when we were still in high school. He's even got an athlete scholarship for playing football.

"Go Jung Sungchan!" I cheered when he scored a goal, and right on time, I felt someone sitting beside me.

I looked at my left, and to my surprise, it was Anton.

Rina and Min Jeong were now sitting beside each other, so we all looked at them teasingly, but Rina just showed us her middle finger.

"Hey," I greeted first to this guy beside me, who has been ignoring me and has been MIA ever since I confessed that I like him.

I can't believe that I might have wrecked our friendship of 7 years just because of this stupid feelings of mine. I also hope that after he rejects me, he'll still offer to be friends. Because, I don't think I can stop being his friend, knowing that we're in the same circle after all.

"Hey," Anton greeted back, and I was quick to notice how he wasn't his usual self. He looked more tense and awkward. Around me. Is this how I look like whenever I talk to him? It's annoying. Fuck it, I did mess up. And it just had to be the worst thing that I have ever messed up.

I ruined my friendship with Anton just because I had the strong urge to confess last night during our drive to Rina's place. I wanted to hit myself again and again. I was able to hold it in for seven years, what in the world just made me suddenly confess when I knew darn well it won't end well?

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