Chapter 6

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Bella's POV:

I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door. That was weird, no one ever knocked on my door. I jumped up and crept downstairs, peeking out the window and seeing the guy from yesterday.

"What is he doing here?" I whispered to myself as I tried to fix my bedhead the best that I could.

I unlocked the door and cracked it open just enough to step outside.

"Uhm, hey. I'm sorry if I woke you up but we need to talk." He said with a stern voice, sending chills down my spine.

"Uhm, okay? Do you need something?" I asked, still half asleep.


That was it, that was all it took to fully wake me up and have my heart racing. How did he know me? How did he know my name? I looked at him with eyes wide in fear.

"How... How do you know my name?" I stuttered out, backing towards my door.

"I'm Alpha Derek. You were supposed to come to our pack when the attack happened. We have been looking for you."

"I..." I didn't know what to say, and instead turned and walked into my house leaving the door open for him to follow.

He closed the door behind him and followed me into the kitchen as I poured a cup of coffee and sat down.

"I know this is all sudden and it probably comes as a shock to you. It shocked me too when I found out who you were. But we need to talk, it isn't safe for you here anymore." he said, sitting down across from me.

"What do you mean it isn't safe here for me anymore?" I didn't understand. Why wouldn't it be safe here for me? I haven't had any issues since I've been here.

"Because I found you. If I can find you then so can they and they won't stop until they do."

"Who? Who is trying to find me? I don't understand." I practically yelled at him in frustration.

"You don't know? Did your parents tell you anything about the attack?" he asked softly.

"No, the day it happened I was shoved into a hidden pathway with a bag of stuff and told to go to your pack. All I knew was we were under attack. I don't know why or anything about it." I said, throwing my hands into the air. No one told me anything about it, I never knew it was coming but I sensed my parents did.

"Okay, I guess I better explain then before we go any further. Your pack was attacked by rogues, they were after you Bella. Your parents knew the day you were born that you were special. The moon goddess came to your mother in a dream while she was pregnant and told her that you would be the first white wolf of your kind and that you would have abilities that others would seek. Since then, they had a plan for when it happened, or a plan for what would happen if they fell. Get you out and send you to us, where we would protect you. We are the most powerful pack in the region, our numbers triple any other pack. We have a better chance of protecting you than anyone else does." He explained, giving me time to process everything as he went.

"Wait, if they knew something was coming then why didn't they call you for help? Why let themselves be caught off guard and die?" I asked, tears running down my face at the revelation that my family and entire pack was slaughtered because of me.

"There wasn't time. They didn't know when the attack would happen, they waited years, but there was only so much they could do. When it happened, no one saw it coming. I am very sorry for your loss. Your parents were close friends with mine, amazing people. They didn't deserve what happened to them."

"It was my fault... Everyone died because of me?" I mumbled out.

This didn't make sense. I wasn't anything special. I had no powers, none that I had seen or felt. I was as normal as any shifter could be aside from my color.

"It wasn't your fault. No one blames you and you shouldn't blame yourself. Rogues are evil, soulless creatures. Even if you hadn't been there, they still would've attacked your pack. That's what they do."

He was right. Growing up we were told horror stories about wolves who had turned rogue either from losing their mate or from being banned from their pack. They lost themselves in their beast, giving up their humanity and going on killing sprees. When they invaded a village, they left nothing, but bodies scattered across the land. But this was different, they attacked my home because they were after me. The pack and my parents lost their lives to protect me.

"So, what happens now?" I asked as I got up and put my cup in the sink. Leaning back against the counter with my arms folded across my chest.

"You need to come back with me. The pack will be relieved that we found you. We can protect you, make it so they don't find you."

Part of me wanted to go with him, my wolf was more than ready to leap at the chance to be anywhere close to him and it was throwing me off. She was making it hard to think straight when she kept pacing back and forth, trying to push through.

"I need time to think about this and for some reason I can't seem to keep my thoughts in check when you are around. My wolf is driving me insane trying to push through, it is taking everything in me to hold her back. I just need some time, is that okay?" I sighed out, massaging my temples with my fingers, trying to relieve the pressure inside my head.

"I can give you the day, but we really need to head out by tonight. The sooner we leave, the better. I will go get some supplies from town for the trip, I will be back by nightfall." He said as he got up from his chair.

"Okay, thank you. I will walk you to the door." I said.

I opened the door and bid him goodbye as he left. There was a lot going through my mind but mainly guilt. Guilt at knowing the truth of why it happened, of it all being because of me. If I knew then what I know now, things could've been different. Maybe I could've saved them.

I couldn't dwell on the past; it was over there was nothing I could do to change it. Right now, I needed to focus on what I would do now. I could run again. Get as far away from here as I can, try to find somewhere that no one could ever find me. But that wouldn't change anything, the rogues would still be looking for me and even if I could avoid them for months or years even, eventually they would find me, and I couldn't fight them on my own. I stood a better chance with a pack. Having made my decision, I needed to get some things ready, so I headed upstairs to pack a few things and wait for Derek to return. 

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