Chapter 18

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Bella's POV:

"I'm fine. It's just a flesh wound." I said, as he grabbed my shoulders and looked over me.

"Yeah, one that is still bleeding pretty badly. We need to get you to the pack infirmary. Let the Doc fix you up." he said, pulling me towards the door.

When we got to the pack house, they immediately took me back to a room where the doc started stitching me up. Turns out she took a pretty good chunk out of me.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Luna. Though I was hoping it would be under better circumstances." The doc said with a smile as he bandaged me up.

"Yeah, next time I'll try not to get attacked by a crazy she-wolf." I said with a laugh.

I watched as he left, Derek coming in behind him.

"All patched up?"

"Yep! Ready to get out of here." I said with a shrug as I stood up, actually feeling the sting for the first time since it happened.

"There's something you need to know. I've already alerted the pack while the doc was fixing you up. We are on lockdown. No one in and no one out." He said with a grim look on his face.

"Why? What's going on?"

"We were attacked earlier today. Rogues crossed our border and attacked our men. We lost three, two were badly injured but should be fine within a day or two. We're at war. They're coming for you."

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