Chapter 15

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Derek's POV:

She was going to give us a chance! My wolf howled in excitement. I wouldn't mess it up this time, I was going to show her how much she meant to us, that we deserved her.

I went to my room across the hall, closing the door behind me and headed for my bed. Our bed, the one we would someday share. I fell asleep smiling, tomorrow would bring a new day.

I woke up to Andrew yelling into the link.

"Alpha! Our borders have been breached. South side!" he yelled before going silent.

I jumped up, shifting as I jumped out of my window and sped towards them. I was ready for a fight, my wolf licking his lips as we pushed harder. I smelt blood as I approached the border, Andrew was fighting off two rogues, along with the rest of the warriors. I leapt through the air, grabbing one by its neck and breaking it, slinging its body into a nearby tree.

"Alpha." They all said through the link.

There were bodies everywhere, a few of ours and at least fifteen rogues. There was one left, it had one of our warriors on the ground, trying to break his neck.

I jumped over the bodies and used my head to knock it into the tree. It fell to the ground with a thud, not dead but unconscious.

"Take him to the dungeons! I want him questioned; I want to know what happened here." I yelled through the link.

"Yes Alpha." One of the warriors said as he and a few others grabbed the unconscious wolf and dragged him off.

"How many did we lose Andrew?" I asked.

"Three, but there are two wounded. They attacked out of nowhere. Took us all by surprise."

"Okay, get those hurt to the pack infirmary. Have doc take care of them, gather up the ones we have lost. We will have a wake for them tonight. I need to get back to the pack house and alert the pack to the attack. We need to be ready for anything."

"Okay, do you want me to interrogate the rogue?"

There was so much I needed to do, I wouldn't have time to question it right now and we needed answers soon.

"Yes, don't kill him. Torture him as much as you need to get answers. Link me when you have something."

I took off towards the pack house. War was coming and we needed to be prepared. I shifted as I ran through the front door. I called an emergency pack meeting that would take place in a half hour. Until then I needed to check on the injured. 

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