Chapter 2 Part 1

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JJ's perspective:
I found myself hunched over the toilet, my stomach in knots from that drink I had at the wild party last night. Nausea overwhelmed me, but I managed to pull myself together and stumbled towards the sink for some water. Just as I was about to leave the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door, followed by Blake's concerned voice asking if I was alright. I assured him that I was fine and would be out in a moment. Exiting the bathroom, I found Blake waiting for me. "Hey," I greeted him, to which he replied with a worried look. "Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes fixed on me. "Yeah, I'm just a bit under the weather," I confessed, my hand reaching for my headphones. I decided to meditate, hoping it would alleviate the persistent nausea.

Blake's perspective:
I, too felt the effects of the drinks we indulged in at the party. The queasiness settled in, but what troubled me more was the fact that I had asked JJ out. Now, we were faced with the dilemma of how to reveal our relationship to the team. I wondered if JJ had even considered this, while I had been consumed by thoughts of it. To distract myself, I busied myself with making breakfast, hoping that JJ's meditation would ease his discomfort. In JJ's absence, my mind wandered, envisioning us as parents. I pondered whether JJ shared the same thoughts. The only way to find out was to ask him, and I planned to do so once he returned from his meditation. But for now, I focused on preparing a delicious breakfast. When JJ finally walked back into the house, I greeted him with a smile. "Hey," I said, my eyes fixed on him. "What smells good?" JJ inquired. "Pancakes and bacon," I replied, a sense of contentment filling me. "Nice," JJ responded, his words laced with satisfaction. "Are you feeling alright, Blake inquired, gazing at JJ. "Yeah, I'm fine," JJ replied, "It was probably that drink I had yesterday that upset my stomach." Blake then asked, "Hey, now that we're together, how are we going to tell the team?" JJ admitted, "I never even thought about that. I have no idea." Blake responded, "Well, you know we can't keep this a secret forever. Eventually, they're going to find out." JJ pondered on how he and Blake would reveal their relationship to the team. He sighed, and Blake, concerned, grabbed his chin and examined his face. "Are you okay?" Blake asked, peering into JJ's eyes. "I'm just feeling sick in the belly," JJ confessed, wrapping his hands around his stomach. Blake then asked, "So, you're not hungry?" JJ replied, "No, I'm not," as his stomach growled. Blake smiled and remarked, "Your stomach seems to think otherwise." JJ smiled back and picked up his fork to eat. He was amazed by how delicious the pancakes tasted. "This is amazing! Where did you learn to cook?" JJ asked, looking at Blake. "My grandmother," Blake replied as they continued to enjoy their meal. "What do you think?" I asked JJ. "That was good," JJ replied, complimenting Blake's cooking. I looked at JJ and asked, "How do you feel?" JJ responded, "I feel better." I smiled and blushed a little. JJ smiled back and I asked, "What are you smiling about?" JJ replied, "You're looking like a cherry. You're blushing too." I scooted closer to JJ and said, "You're beautiful, you know that." JJ responded, "You too." I gazed into his eyes, contemplating the pivotal question that lingered in the air. "Do you yearn for the pitter-patter of tiny feet?" I inquired, noting how his face lit up whenever he interacted with children. JJ, taken aback, responded, "Indeed, I do desire offspring, but a mere duo shall suffice. Any more would be an overwhelming endeavor," he confessed.

With a reassuring smile, I reassured him, "If two is your heart's desire, then two it shall be. I am content with that arrangement," I assured him, drawing closer. Leaning in, I whispered, "You possess the qualities of an exceptional father, my love." JJ reciprocated the sentiment, and our lips met in a tender embrace.

Driven by our passion, we sought solace in the privacy of the bedroom, ensuring no prying eyes would witness our ardor. With a swift motion of my foot, I gently closed the door, consumed by the intensity of the moment. We found ourselves entwined upon the bed, my body pressed against his. In that blissful haze, I marveled at my incredible fortune, being entwined with the man I adored. Surely, JJ shared the same sentiment, lost in the euphoria of the moment.

However, our reverie was abruptly interrupted by a rumbling sound emanating from within. We froze, bewildered by the unexpected intrusion. JJ's laughter filled the room, and I couldn't help but inquire, "What tickles your funny bone, bug?" He chuckled, revealing, "Oh, that's just my stomach, babe. It has been growling incessantly today." A mischievous smile adorned his face.

Realizing our hunger, I reluctantly disentangled myself from JJ's embrace. "It seems I must prepare lunch," I declared, rising from the bed. As I ventured into the kitchen, my thoughts wandered to the prospect of JJ and I as fathers, envisioning a child frolicking around our home. The mere thought of a little one brought a mix of excitement and trepidation. I longed for the joy of parenthood, yet harbored uncertainties about JJ's ability to carry a child.

I simply cannot tolerate the idea of individuals mocking JJ, for that is something I simply won't stand for. Rumor has it that he has endured an immense amount of suffering, though I cannot fathom the reasons behind it. Nevertheless, I am committed to offering my unwavering support to him, as well as his comrades, be it during the growth of his offspring or during moments of anguish. As I stood there, I suddenly perceived the sound of footsteps trailing behind me, and to my astonishment, it was none other than JJ himself, making his way into the living room.

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