Chapter 2 Part 2

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In Blake's perspective,
I lay upon the plush couch, unable to discern JJ's activities, but hoping it was the libation that had unsettled his stomach. Whenever a moment presented itself, I surreptitiously peered from the corner of the living room, catching sight of JJ reclining on the couch, engrossed in a film. A smile graced my lips; he was a sight too exquisite to behold. After stealing a glimpse, I proceeded to complete the task of preparing lunch for both JJ and myself. However, my thoughts incessantly revolved around the concept of us as fathers, an idea that refused to vacate my mind, nor could I banish JJ from my thoughts. Once the meal was ready, I artfully arranged it on a plate and presented it to JJ, who expressed his gratitude. Settling down beside him to partake in the nourishment, I gazed upon JJ and confessed the persistent notion that consumed me - the image of us as fathers. JJ chuckled, admitting that he too was plagued by the same contemplation, his laughter filling the air. I glanced at him, cautioning him playfully, lest we both choke on our food. As we concluded our meal, I requested JJ's plate, escorting it to the sink to commence the task of washing the dishes. Yet, even as my hands diligently scrubbed away, the notion of us as fathers continued to torment my mind, driving me to the brink of madness. I was certain that JJ was similarly afflicted. Upon completing the chore, I returned to find JJ peacefully slumbering, causing a pang of regret to surge within me. Careful not to disturb his rest, I sought solace in another spot, away from his slumbering form. As JJ dreamt, perhaps envisioning a future where we were fathers and a child frolicked about, the relentless obsession continued to consume me, driving me to the point of insanity.

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