8. The final fight

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He couldn't find her. But he had to. He had to find her. If he doesn't, he may lose her for good.

Everyone fought. Well, it was a war. Hiccup fought, too. But most of the time, he searched. Then, he found her. She was standing beside Grimmel with her axe in her hands, like she once stood beside Hiccup. He looked her in the eyes. They were purple. Neon purple, like the poison.

Grimmel noticed Hiccup's look at Astrid. So he just took her hands in his and kissed her suddenly. Hiccup looked at the whole situation with tears in his eyes. Some of them tumbled down his cheeks, leaving a small, wet track on his skin.

"He's looking at you." Grimmel whispered into her ear. She turned her head and saw him looking at her.
"Kill him." Astrid nodded and slowly walked towards Hiccup, her axe thigh to her body.
"Astrid! Please! You don't want this. Please come back. I need you!" She held it up to attack him, but something inside her felt wrong. She stopped suddenly, dropping her axe on the ground.
"Astrid... Please! Come back! I love you..." Hiccup said, taking her hands in his. He saw her eyes from neon purple turning ocean blue.
"Astrid...?" She looked up. He smiled at her. It was his famous hiccupy smile.
"Hiccup? What's happening?" But, in that moment, everything came back. She remembered everything.
"Astrid. I have missed you so much." Hiccup hugged her.
"I missed you, too, Hiccup." Astrid leaned in to kiss him, but he met her on the halfway. Hiccup felt her wet cheeks. Obviously, she was crying. He pushed her soft away to be able to see in her eyes. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes which had the light and hope in them again, and not the purple poison. He used his thumb to wipe the tears on the side of her face. Hiccup still petted her cheek with his hand. Astrid leaned her head against his hand and closed her eyes. It's was an amazing feeling to have each other again.

"I see you managed to oppose the poison. Again. You may be the first and only person who actually made it. But, Astrid. Don't you think you may be dangerous for him now? I mean, you still have the poison inside you, even if you can oppose it. It'll always be a part of you. From the first time till the end of your life." Grimmel spoke in a dark voice. Astrid gave him her famous death glare. Also, Hiccup gave him a dangerous glare. It meant: 'Don't you EVER touch MY Astrid again!'

"If I can't have her, you shouldn't too!" With these words, he fired an arrow in Hiccup's direction. And then everything went in slow motion for Hiccup.

Astrid rushed in front of her boyfriend and took the arrow for him.
"He's right. I AM dangerous for you. I'm sorry, Hiccup. I love you..." She said and fell on the ground.
"No! Astrid!" Hiccup yelled in tears. He looked at her dead body. The large arrow flew through her back and her stomach, leaving a big wound. It was bleeding. Soon, around her was a little lake of blood. Astrid lay in Hiccup's arms, her eyes closed, her face pale and wet from all these tears.

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