Part 3: Ecliptara

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"Come on, Sin! You're going to be late!" Freenza chuckles, running faster and tugging on her friend's arm. "Okay, okay! I heard ya the first time!" Sin smiles, running alongside Freenza. They finally made it to the stage, looking at all the Guardians that are collected there for the meeting. Sin and Freenza look around for seats, noticing their friend Fortress eating popcorn. "Hey, guys! Come on! I saved you guys some seats!" He pats the two seats next to him. They sit down next to him as the meeting begins. The curtains open, showing a Guardian, a tall one. She wore a cyan and purple mixed dress; her hair was galaxy like. Stars around her beautiful long hair. Meet Eclipse, God of all Guardians. "Hello, my precious children, I have come forward to announce that Ecliptara is expanding!" All Guardians clap and cheer. Thirty years ago, a meteor strucked Ecliptara, causing many accidents. Ever since then, Eclipse and her wife, Galaxy, have been struggling to make changes around their land. And finally, they were able to repair the hole. "Ecliptara has been struggling to keep us all here. So now, all Guardians will now be having their own universes on our earth." Eclispe continues speaking. "Now, we may all watch the opening of Ecliptara's new creation!" A huge flying ship surrounds the planet, making the Guardians feel overwhelmed. Sin stands up. "This is a part of the fixing, right?" Fortress whimpers. "I-I don't think so.." A figure walks out of the ship as it lands. They walk to the stage, every Guardian making a path for them. "Eclipse." They mumble under their black mask. "Solar." Eclipse pulls out her galaxy sword. "You were crushed under that are you back?" Solar chuckles. "I don't go down easily. But that dosen't matter. I'm here to get revenge on Ecliptara!! Starting with the planet and ending it with you.." she points at Eclipse. Suddenly, black and purple masked people come out of the ship, rushing towards the Guardians with stone spears. Freenza used her ice to create a wall, stopping them. Some more ice Guardians joined in, helping her build the wall. "Guys! We need to get out of here!" A Guardian yelled. "NO! We need to fight!!" Another Guardian says, charging in but instantly being thrown back by a Telekinesis Guardian. Sin watched as Freenza stayed to protect with the ice Guardians and Fortress fled with a few more Guardians. He stood there, shocked, not knowing what to do. He saw Eclipse carrying her wife who sprained her leg. Sin just watched, his hearing going silent and all he could he was the pained screaming's of Guardians being killed. He felt a tug on his arm, turning his head and seeing Fortress. "COME ON!" Fortress yelled, picking up Sin and carrying them both out. "But Freenza!!" Sin chocked out, his voice was in pain. He couldn't even hear his own voice, his ears to stuffed to hear anything at all. He turned around, seeing Freenza looking at him. She smiled, and everything went white as the ice was broken down. "FREENZA!!" He yelled before passing out.




Ecliptara shattered, pieces and pieces of it flying everywhere in the solar system. Loads of Guardians being thrown into different planets. Sin was still passed out as Fortress carried him down to the planet people call Earth. The place all Guardians called home was now destroyed. Fortress saw as how many Guardians were hugging their friends who have faded away. Did this just happen? Their planet being destroyed by Solar..? The kindest Guardian on earth. Until the fight between her and Eclipse broke out. There wasn't much time until Sin wakes up, panicked. He must find shelter fast.




"Ughh. What.. happened.?" Sin rubs his head, his vision still blurry. He looks around, everything was black. Wait, his wing.. he couldn't fly at all. His left wing has been blown off. Probably by the explo-Wait..Ecliptara...No, no, no,'s gone, shattered..the Guardians must've split of! His thoughts were snapped by Fortress who was watching TV screens. He noticed Sin was awake and smiles. "Hey, Sin. I figured out how to get into people's minds and brought us here." Sin stares at Fortress. "Wha..?" He's still a little woozy, his eyes shutting as he passes out again. Fortress chuckles. "He's going to need that rest.."

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