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I always believed that love stricken the earth once, back when earth was created by God himself. I would always think about who created the feeling love. I know that love is powerful, love can be a good thing but, it can also be should always be careful when the power of love comes to mind.
I haven't fully introduced myself. I'm Emmaligh, Emmaligh Artega. My parents are Andrew Artega and Oriea Hotheman. hotheman is my mother's maiden name. I'm the only child; all alone.
My parents met on love story island. Yes it's a real place. It is in Colombia.I always thought it was a myth, the way my mum had described it as a one of her stories. My father died while fighting in a war. How about I tell you the story from the very beginning?
My my mother was young when she was captured by an evil emperor. My dad, found my mother in a chamber and had escaped the land and hid on love story island.
Twenty years later, my father was in a war and died , leaving me growing inside my mother's stomach. Me and my mum ha d to move to London after two years later. For the past fourteen years, my mother and I never had a conversation. Exempt foretelling me what to do. The laundry, the dishes, feed the chickens, and more. Yes we lived in London and had chickens.
Everytime I talk about our family, my mother would get really depressed and yell at me. I have never understood why would she be depressed. I thought she was happy with her life, a little, until now.

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