~chapter 3~

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It was dark and silent in the night. I stayed asleep in my warm and comforting bed. Then, miss Domica stepped into my room.
" Emmaligh?" She whispered. " someone called for you?"
I rise up in my bed and realizing that it was 4 0'clock in the morning. Why would some ask for me on the phone at 4 0'clock in the morning? I catch my voice and answered the phone.
" hello? Who would this be calling?"
" uh? Hi is this Emma?"
" it's Emmaligh what's said your name again?" I questioned.
" it's me, drake?" He answered back trying to have me remember him.
" you know? Drake. Your best friend?"
After he who he was, I could reconginized the voice and his name. It was him, drake vinchelodie. My best friend and my crush! I knew him since pre-school. Asked the question even though I knew the right answer.
" is it drake vinchelodie perhaps?"
" it's all real." He replied.
" what can I do you for?" I asked. My heart was racing fast. I couldn't believe it that I might have my best friend back.
" nothing particular."
" umm, may I question?"
" I'm all for it."
" how did you get my number?"
" how I what?"
" how did you find me?"
" are you still living in London?"
" yes?"
" do u remember that when we were littler, we were playing at my house and you were upset and you wouldn't tell me anything?"
" umm maybe?"
" well instead you wrote me a letter."
" you actually read it?"
" yup why wouldn't I? We are really good friends. Do you remember what the letter said?"
" well not really?" I struggled to say my words. He told me what it contained.
PS: 1399 Kingston Toronto rd, Kingston NY. 14088"
I started to smile. " you remember every word?"
" no I just read."
" you kept it? All these years?" I asked.
" yep. You're my best friend." Then he explained how he found my number.
" I looked it up in the phone book."
I was amazed. " maybe some time we could meet up again."
" that would be great. We could meet up now."
" how? You live in Colombia."
" not exactly."
I was confused on the situation.
" I moved." He replied trying to make it clear.
" to where?"
" guess. Just look out your window."
So I look out my window and I saw him through his. He lived right next to me!
" hold on i'll be back!" I rushed outside wearing my pajamas and my slippers also wearing my white silky bathwrobe.
So did he. We rushed towards each other and hugged tightly.
" it's you!" We both said at the same time with excitement.
" wow grown up sexy and 16." He complemented me.
" thank you but I don't think that I am." I replied with a smile and a laugh.
" aw sure you are! Come here." He answered with a hug.
" okay, so... It's so good to see you again." I laughed.
" yeah you too, honestly thought you have forgotten me."
" why would I? You're like family to me" I smiled staring at his eyes.
" hey do you wanna hang at my house for the day?" He asked.
" that would be lovely." I thanked him. I'll be right back I gonna change." I said still wearing my pajamas.
" okay, I'll do the same." He replied. "Oh wait I have something for you."
He said stopping me. I turn back around and smiled.
"For me?"
" yeah it's special."
" you shouldn't have. You didn't have to."
" I know. I got this made and ready for you but it was already too late." He sighed but with a smile.
I did the same. " it's not too late. I'll open it." He handed me his gift from him. It was a heart shaped locket and it was carved with words. It said, " one and only" on the lid covered in diamonds and fancy writing. I opened the locket and it had us in it. A black and white photo from our childhood.
" so?" He asked.
" well it's special to me. It's so beautiful. I love it. Thank you."
" I knew that you would like it.
I smiled at him.
" here I'll help you." He said while helping me clip it on.
" thank you." I thanked him.
" you promise me that you won't ever take it off?"
I promised him. I inhaled my breath.
" I umm gonna go change now." I said nervously with a smile. So I turned around and went to change into my regular clothes. Then I went back outside meeting drake again.
" so what else is new in your life?" I asked.
"Nothing much. I'm so happy that we meet again." He smiled. " what about you?"
" same." I smiled then I told him what happened just a few hours ago.
" I'm sorry. That is terrible." He replied. He pulled me close and comforted me with a hug. " if you want me for anything you call for me okay?"
" I will." I agreed with depression in my voice and a smile on my face.
" ugggh!!! Mom!" He groaned.
" I mean it! I told you I don't want you talkin shit to strangers!" She started again. " your ass! Right now! This instant!"
"Oh stop it mother! She not a stranger!" He explained.
"Oh really!?" She said sartastically. "When you start shit with strangers, you comin back here with your ass!"
" mother! Seriously! It's her! I'm fine. Calm your crazy ass will ya!" He replied.
" does it have a name!?"
" don't call her an it! It's emmaligh!"
"I don't an emmaligh!! Right now mister!! Ill beat Ur ass if I need to!!"
"Come on mother!! Artega!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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