~chapter 2~

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The door bell rings continuously then a knocking destruction comes from the door. I get up from the couch and answers the door. " mr. Hocker! How can I help you? U feeling fine today mr Hocker?" I said with pleasure and confusion.
" well, very well. Actually where is your mother is she home?"
" in the kitchen, making tea. Please come on in. I go tell her that you're here."
" that would be helpful. Thank you."
"Mum! Mum! Mr Hocker is here waiting to talk to you privately. Now it's very important." I told her as I entered the kitchen.
" okay! Just a moment. Get the tea!" My mum yelled at me. She exits the kitchen and greets mr. Hocker at the door.
"Oh it's a surprise to see you!" My mum said excitedly.
" thank you but, I came here carrying some horrific news." Mr Hocker says with depression.
My mother stumbles to a seat of the couch with a gasp.
" why what happened!? You aren't well?" My mother gasps.
" it's not about me. I'm fine oriea. It's your father."
"My father? He's in trouble?"
" well the trouble that he's in is a deadly sickness. I believe it's wise to talk to your father." Mr Hocker explains. My mother was on edge with tears. She gasps for more air feeling like her is being taken unfairly.
" when did this happen?"
"Three days ago. I'm really sorry about this."
" thank you. Thank you for telling me This sooner. Good night" my mother sheds a tear. He nods and gets in his car and drives offs. It was dead silent. Then she asks for a favor.
" miss Domica, you will a favor for me? I'm sorry it's my father."
"Why sure darlin it's not a problem at all . There's no burden here." Miss Domica reinsures her. "Go see ur father, I'll take care of emmaligh for you."
" thank you I have to finish packing. Please don't alarm this to her we haven't him in years. I don't want her all teared up like me." Mum replied with a soft, depressing whisper in her throat. Miss Domica agreed. As mother rushed to the door with her suit case to leave I interrupted her and tried a conversation.
"Mum wait where are you leaving to!? Why so depressed!? Please release information!?"
"Emmaligh please!? Stop intruding my rush! This is very important!" She yelled at me as she turned around.
She closes the door behind her. I was speechless And broken.
I heard my name being suomed in from the living room.
"Emmaligh, Emmaligh!" Being said with excitement but painful.
I walked back to the living room and I found miss Domica still sitting on the leathered couch.
" miss Domica?" I spolked up with confusion and surpirprisement. " I though you, umm." I couldn't finish my sentence. I was determining if I should be scared or not.
" you though I had left with your mother?" She helped with the sentence. I nodded.
" no my dear, I believe we are gonna have a nice time together til your mother comes back"
" what do you mean? Where did my mother go to?"
" well I'm not suppose to tell you where she went but I see that your getting upset and is starting to panic by the minute." Miss Domica said while being interrupted.
"so what's the story!?" I interrupted her.
" well, your mother had to tall care somethings down in Colombia." She answered back but kept getting interrupted.
Colombia! Why would go back to Colombia!" I panicked even more. " what for!"
" your mother's father, umm your grandfather. Has became very ill and your mother went back to comfort him."
" how long!!!" I lost it. I got so angry but so worried and disappointed. I was almost in tears.
" come my child. It will pass. You'll get through this." She said while comforting me. " I'm not really sure. She'll telephone me later this evenin."
I had a devastating look on my face as I pull away from her.
" my apologies, is there any problems of me taking care for you?" Miss Domica replied as she felt she was being pushed away by refusal.
" umm I'll be in my room for the rest of the night."
" alright. That's fair enough. I'll be going back to get me a couple of my things." She said as she headed to door.
" wait, I wanna ask a simple question."
I requested.
She turned around and started listening to me.
" I'm sorry if it looked and felt that it was a refusal for you. I'm just wandering, why it wasn't that simple to tell me? That my granddad is having health failures? That she was going back to Colombia? Even though we agreed that we shall not go back there? He's family to me too. I haven't seen him in years. This is so devastating to me and horrifying."
She sighed and replied. " well my darlin , she was sparing your feelings so she wouldn't have you all worked up and depressed." This situation is understanding. I had a daughter who was like you once." She explained. " well good night. See you in the morning dear."
She went off and I just sat there on the steps repeating miss Domica's words in my head. " to spare my feelings."

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