love you?

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I mean it makes sense... he is the only person that cares about me...

It also explains the warm feeling every time i pass him, or my thoughts like calling him cute and such. But... how will i tell him? What if he doesn't like me back? What if he'll hate me...

He won't right? Worst he can say is no? Yea.... i should just say it, if i keep it to myself i think it will only get worse... better get hurt now then be heartbroken in the future... but then my original question... how will i tell him?
I mean... fuck... i don't know...

I worked my ass of all night tho so i'll get some rest first, im exhausted... i close my eyes and just let myself get covered by darkness before falling asleep.


I wake up... gosh i still feel tired. I sit down and strech. Then i look at the clock, ive slept for a good 9 hours, its 6pm. I stand up and read a book, after i get bored of it i head out to the kitchen and see Fredbear
"Hey Springy, you good?" He asked, his voice full of concern
"Yea... just tired"
"I can see! You have bags under your eyes and you've been asleep all day, please sleep at a reasonable time today, okay?" I sigh
"Yay" aaand back to his cute self... i love him... its weird to think about... but i just do.... you know what?
"Fred, do you mind the pizzeria being closed tomorrow?" I ask him
He looks at me confused but answers with "If you want to..."
Perfect, i'll tell him tomorrow! And i'll give him the plushy, it will be perfect!!... i hope...
"Why?" Should have figured that he would ask that... hmmmmmm
"so we can bake the pie together!" Great! Im such a smartass
"Okay... thats... fair i guess" he smiled again
"Then we'll be closed tomorrow. Go to sleep now okay?" I roll my eyes
"Okay dad" i say in a joking manner.
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, with that cute smile of course
"Can't do much about having to be responsible"
"Im glad you are tho, this place would have been a mess if it wasn't for you" he chuckled
"Why thank you, but go to bed now"
"Fiiine, good night Fred"
"Good night Springy
I head to my room... so do we bake the pie and then confess or do i confess and use the baking as a date... hmmm
I'll decide tomorrow


I'm scared, what if he'll hate me, what if we won't be friends anymore...

I've been asking myself questions for a good 30 minutes now, i woke up at 8.30 and then instantly became stressed as i realized what was coming

Its gonna be fine? But...

no, he will be my friend, its all gonna be fine... just say it... just tell him

I walk to the kitchen, holding the plushy in my hands. I went to prepare everything needed. Apples, flour, eggs, butter, etc... everything was ready when i heard a door creek behind me... i quickly turn around and hide the plush behind me

"Heya springy! Have you rested well?" He cares so much... jeez I cant wait to kiss that adorable little face of his... i hope that i'll be able to at least...
"Yep! And i prepared all the ingredients!" He comes over
"Nice!" This is it... i have to do it...
"Hey Fred?" He looks at me
"I have to tell you something..." im doing it... i can't turn back, this is it
"What is it?" He says confused with a bit of concern.
I sigh...
"From the start you have treated me with nothing but care. You taught me how to perform, to accept the new me and to become what i am now... and im grateful for it..." i start
"Your presence is very charming and you always make me smile... recently i started to have this warm feeling around you" i start blushing a bit
"You just being there made me happy, your smile warms my heart, your chuckles make me glad to be your friend... but i want to be more than that" i look down and close my eyes
"I love you... i just want you to know that... if you don't feel the same way thats fine, just-" i was cut off by a kiss on the lips making me open my eyes, i was taken aback... but then melted in it. When we pulled away Fredbear spoke
"I love you too, silly! How could i not?" I chuckle
"Im glad you do..." i let out a tear... it wasnt in pain... it wasnt in sadness... just a tear of pure joy. I Hug him tightly
"I love you so fucking much. Your cute face, your laugh, your smile, everything. You are literally perfect and you don't know how glad i am to have you, and you don't know how long i waited to kiss that adorable face of yours" i let him go and see him blush brightly with that sweet smile, i smile back... i'm so exited for the future with him but thats for later... i'm overjoyed at the moment and don't want this moment to end! I feel something on my crotch. I look down and-

------warning, bit of sexual stuff------

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" i take a pan and cover the area, still trying to hide the plush
"Oh..." he blushed deeply
"So remember the thing that you were supposed to find on your own" i felt my whole face heat up
"This is a joke, right? There is NO way they actually decided to..."
"T-they did..." he said emberassed
"Holy fuck i have a cock..." i say in disbelief. He tries his best to contain
himself but erupts into laughter
"Why? This is A FUCKING CHILDRENS PLACE, A FAMILY DINER!" He slowly stops laughing
"I have no clue to be honest, im asking myself the same question. I overheard workers say something about 'bonding' or whatever" i looked at him
"They intended for us... i mean as in the two animatronics to be together since the start..." he looked at me a bit shocked
"You could be right about that..."
"But why us being ultra realistic, why us having... dicks" i mumble the last word quietly. Its emberassing as fuck...
"For it to feel like a real relationship i suspect"
"You have to be fucking with me" i barely manage to process it all... that company is fucking... weird... for that, no normal company would do such thing... there has to be something else behind it, just for it to feel like a real relationship rings bullshit... that can't be it! Or the CEO is just a fucking creep... either way i will be putting people down soon...
"If you want to we could" Fred says teasingly. i blush even more
"Okay okay i'm sorry!" He says giggling
"You just gotta stay calm and not think about it"
"Okay... so like when i was alive... i'll try, can you please look away for a moment so i can go to my room?" He nods and turns around. I place the pan back on the counter since it only covered the area, and not touch it. I go to my room, close my eyes and calm down. I have the plush with me, i actually can't believe he felt the same way... i'm so happy... not at the situation i'm in but at the fact that he loves me too...

my rough personality (Spring Bonnie) AUWhere stories live. Discover now