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I was laying in the parts or service room... pretty sure it was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep. The sudden movement earlier hurt me quite a bit, but it spared Mike the pain of having to deal with me when washing me. He bandaged me up and left a while ago. It was just me and my thoughts since then...

I was hugging a very soft, silk blanket. I was laying on a quite comfortable bed and yet... i couldn't sleep. Being alone made me feel very uneasy. It reminds me so much of the 3 years in that hell hole... it also feels like someone is watching me... i just don't like it, but i can move so it was not the worst. I kept trying to sleep but failed time and time again
"I hate this" i mumble to myself, laying on the back, staring at the ceiling. I was just thinking of all the good memories...
The opening day, little talks and interactions, our 'date', just everything... i hug the blanket tightly. Fred... why did you leave me?

Birds were chirping and i heard muffled talks... what? I slowly open my eyes... i passed out? I slowly wake up and look around before ultimately I look at the blanket that was drenched in tears. Oh, i cried myself to sleep... I sat up and moved around a bit, no goal in mind
Knock knock knock
"Enter" Mike came in
"Good morning! How did you sleep?" He said enthusiastically. I give him the blanket and his happy face became sad
"Oh..." i shrug
"The sleep itself wasn't bad i guess" he nods
"Speaking about things..." my ears perked up
"This is a parts and service room, not a bedroom. I deactivate and either work on or fix animatronics" i groan
"Is there really no other way?" I say rather annoyed having an idea where he
was going with this.
"I'm afraid not... at least you'll be able to choose one out of the four-"
"Well thats putting the salt on the fucking wound, i already didn't want to do anything with them but then i am getting forced to, and now THIS?!" I yelled. I could feel my blood boil as the words carelessly flew out of my mouth... Mike looked down with a sigh, a bit of pain evident in his eyes, i felt bad... i didn't mean to hurt him... actually why did i even say those things? Its no big deal, is it? I facepalm
What the fuck is happening to me?!
"Sorry... i didn't mean it... i don't know what made me say that..." Mike looked up at me, i just looked away
"I know there is something wrong with me... trust me, i'm trying... just... its as if i'm not myself anymore" i say as my ears droop low. i just wish i could be like i was back then

"Its fine, i-"
"Miiiiike hurry up!" I heard a a girly voice shout from outside, it was a bit muffled. I looked back up to be met with Mike's annoyed gaze
"Chica..." he said coldly making me chuckle a bit, an idea sparked
"SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I MAKE DINNER OUT OF YOU! CHICKEN IS A NICE TOPPING YA KNOW?" I shouted back. Mike covered his mouth and tried his best not to laugh as we heard a high-pitched scream and footsteps becoming distant. Guess i really paid attention to everything Mike said... maybe his presence had a greater impact on me than i expected... and i should be grateful for it... that he came to talk to me every day despite how rude i am...
Thank you

"Don't even mention it, and i should be the one thanking you" a slight grin formed on his face and he nodded
"Well, lets go then?" I roll my eyes
"Yea yea lets get it over with" we both stood up and walked towards the door. I had mixed feelings about this. I reach the door, open it and take a peak outside. There was Freddy and Bonnie talking to each other while Chica was hiding behind Freddy, hugging him. What a clingy bitch... NO god dangit, let them be Spring! Let them be... speaking about them, where is The fox? I look a bit to the left and see the crimson red fox sitting on the stage, alone... why was-
"FINALLY!" Someone said making Foxy look at me. I quickly looked away as i didn't want to face anyone, although there was something... off.
"What took you so long?" I heard Chica say... she's gonna be such a fucking pain, ugh....
"Want me to go through with my plan or will you stop poking your beak in places it shouldn't?" i said snarling. I take a quick look up and see shock in their faces, except the fox... he looked at me in awe. Mike elebowed me. I sigh and look back at the chicken.
"Sorry, thats what was going on. Me just... not being myself lets say" i mumble scraching the back of my head a bit. Great fucking job on your first impression Spring. Cause you are just so so great!
"Its... fine"
"lets just introduce ourselves. Foxy, come on over!" Freddy said. I took a peak at him and he just seemed sad... i don't think he is 'just shy'. He also seems tensed, his tail low and motionless...
Foxy stood up and walked towards us, i saw some form of discomfort so i looked at the rest of the crew again. Bonnie hasn't said a word this entire time but i couldn't care less
"So, my name is Freddy! Behind me, you already know, is Chica. Right beside me is Bonnie and coming over is Foxy"
"Mike already told me about you guys but thanks" i say looking at Mike
"I only told you a few things i know about them, you actually have to spend time with them"
"Yea fuck you too" i grumble
"I'm just gonna take it as your way to show affection" i roll my eyes
"Whatever" i turn my head back to the rest
"Names Spring Bonnie"
"Nice to meet you" everyone said but Bonnie, he just glared at me
"Trust me, its not, i'm not someone you'll enjoy being around" everyone's smiles faded and Bonnie's glare changed to a look of surprise
"And don't even question it. I really don't want to fucking talk about it"
"Jeez, can you stop cur-"
"No i can not and no i won't bother trying" I grumble at Chica while turning to Mike
"So told them about the room situation?"
"Yea, i figured that would be the least i could do since i knew you would get pissed at that"
"Alright, who shall be the sacrifice then?" I say coldly with a dark undertone, making everyone jump. I smirked a bit
"Kidding" the rest seemingly didn't trust me saying that. Eh, i dont care, i have to choose, not them. So Chica is an obvious no, Bonnie seems like a creep so that leaves Foxy and Freddy. Foxy is the more shy one and doesn't seem talkative. Freddy is more confident and social which i really don't want to deal with. Foxy it is
"I'm going with the fox" i say nonchalantly
"Why him?" Chica said, her voice a bit off, but i couldn't tell why. Joy? Fear? Anger? No clue
"Cause he seems like the best option, offence fully intended" i said just trying to get them to leave me be
"Tell me something i don't know" that would be why i am like this. I just walk forward to the fox, he was a bit shorter
"Lead the way, and see ya around Mike and the rest" he nodded and went off, me following him.

He seemed more tense and his ears flickered every step i took. It was annoying but at the same time he'll leave me be so i won't complain. We reach a structure... thats all i can say it is. To describe it it was a big circular frame with a purple curtain. Foxy swung them open and led me to a big space full of pirate stuff, shelves, drawings and basic stuff you'd find in a room. It doesn't look to bad. He also has a carpet, perfect! I took the carpet and laid it in an empty spot of the room, decently far away from everything
"What ye be doin'?" Foxy asked with a very pirate accent. Makes sense why he has pirate stuff here, wears a hook and an eyepatch. He sounded confused, and i kinda understand why
"Setting up bed" i said not bothered to look at him
"But, the floor be cold 'n hard"
"I survived worse, just stop questioning it" i heard a sad exhale
"Aye... whatever ye say" i went to a bookshelf and went through the books. Not surprisingly many were about pirate stuff but i found a few normal things that sounded interesting. I laid back on the carpet and started reading.

my rough personality (Spring Bonnie) AUWhere stories live. Discover now